Frisco: ready for its close-up

City officially part of film-friendly Texas certified communities

Frisco’s addition to the list of  Film Friendly Texas Certified Communities means the city has a message for motion picture, television, music videos, and digital media productions. The picturesque streets, historic landmarks, high quality suburban and rustic charm, unique downtown district, shopping centers, art and sculptures, hotels, restaurants, venues, and practically everything else about the town is ready to accommodate a wide range of filming requests.

Frisco is an ideal location for a production looking for a small town feel with the amenities of a big city  that’s just 20 minutes away. Already, the city’s rural landscape and the Frisco Athletic Center have been used for Prison Break and The Biggest Loser television shows.

The Convention & Visitors Bureau took on the challenge for the city to become a film friendly community in 2009. The process started with attending a day-long workshop and from there gathering and sending possible location photos, developing a 3 page application for commercial filming and creating guidelines for filming and taping in Frisco.

Frisco CVB Executive Director, Marla Roe, says, “We are hoping to increase our visibility in the film industry as they are looking at the Metroplex for potential sites, with the end result of bringing economic impact into the community. We’d love to see it get to a point where jobs could be created.”

Submitted by Denise Stokes, Frisco Convention & Visitors Bureau.

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