Online training program helps ‘Guarantee Your Marriage’

Online marriage site offers warranty against divorce, $25,000 reward for couples that achieve their goal of long-term marriage success 

(Dallas) October 11, 2012 – For Dallas-Fort Worth couples, marriage just got a whole lot more rewarding. Guarantee Your Marriage, an online marriage-training program launched recently in the DFW Metroplex, offers married couples an interactive, research-based marriage-training program complete with a warranty against divorce and a $25,000 payout for long-term success.

“Guarantee Your Marriage grew out of our passion for promoting and sustaining lifelong, successful marriages,” said Jacques Bazinet, board member and product evangelist for Guarantee Your Marriage. “After all, research shows that solid marriages and stable families are the foundation of society, and the marriage relationship is the most important relationship a person will experience in a lifetime. Guarantee Your Marriage is our fun and interactive way to help couples put their marriages first and to reward them when they do. And we believe strongly enough in our training that we are willing to provide a warranty in the event the marriage fails.”

Online marriage training

Guarantee Your Marriage training is a research-based, educational program delivered in a hassle-free way that teaches people strategies and skills to help them build and sustain more successful marriages. For a monthly membership fee that is less than the cost of one dinner out together, each spouse spends about 30 minutes online each month completing a training module; additionally, couples are provided with various activities that reinforce what they learned.

“In today’s culture of ‘starter marriages’ and heartbreakingly high divorce rates, we want to be first responders for preserving families,” continued Bazinet. “We have partnered with the team that founded one of the world’s leading research-based marriage education programs – The Prevention and Relationship Enhancement Program (PREP) – to develop a highly effective training curriculum borne out of real-life marriage and relationship studies spanning more than 30 years.

“Nothing good happens without active engagement. We believe that couples can increase their odds of lasting love by working to stay positively connected and by handling the inevitable challenges of life as a team. For a regular investment of as little as 30 minutes a month, our online training provides a lifetime of resources that couples can use to keep their marriages happier, healthier and more successful for themselves and their children,” he said.

Warranty against divorce

Guarantee Your Marriage is unique in its offer to warranty the effectiveness of its training. “We believe that the Guarantee Your Marriage training model will produce positive engagement between partners that will help couples succeed. And we believe that strongly enough to offer couples a warranty against divorce along with their training,” said Bazinet.

Couples who divorce after completing four years of the Guarantee Your Marriage training, and who otherwise remain in good standing with the program, are eligible for a warranty payment of up to $10,000, based on their years of participation in the program. Divorcing couples will receive the payment over a period of five years following the divorce.

“We value healthy marriages over anything else,” continued Bazinet, “but for couples whose marriages just don’t survive, we see the warranty as offering some support to help them overcome the emotional and financial upheaval that typically ensues when couples divorce.”

Membership reward

“While we stand by our marriage training with the warranty, we also want to celebrate long-time marriage-health and success,” Bazinet continued. “For couples who reach 20 years of marriage and active membership in Guarantee Your Marriage, we want to offer them a membership reward of $25,000 for their success. We know that the biggest value of our training comes from the joy and fulfillment couples experience with happier, healthier and more successful marriages, but having a monetary payoff for their efforts over time adds one more incentive to continue investing in their relationships with the regular training we provide. The day we make our first membership reward payoff to a couple will be one of the happiest days in my life.”

The membership reward, like the divorce warranty, is paid out to eligible couples over a five-year period.

Backed by research

The Guarantee Your Marriage training content is based on more than 30 years of research findings on marriage and relationship education. The team behind the internationally recognized Prevention and Relationship Enhancement Program (PREP) is an integral partner and provides all of the training content. PREP is a research-based and tested educational approach to helping couples build and maintain stronger, healthier and happier marriages.

PREP founders Dr. Howard J. Markman and Dr. Scott M. Stanley, who are also noted researchers from the University of Denver’s Center for Marital and Family Studies, are pioneers in the science of healthy marriages – tracking couples in numerous studies over many years in order to advance knowledge to help couples achieve their goals in marriage.

“We have devoted our professional lives to helping couples succeed in their marriages,” said Dr. Scott Stanley, PREP co-founder and Guarantee Your Marriage partner. “We know the devastating effects broken marriages have on society, and we also know the payoffs for successful marriage relationships. For example, studies show people in healthy marriages are likely to have better physical health than others, have greater satisfaction with their lives, and tend to build more assets and savings over their lifetime.”

“But it doesn’t stop there – research shows that children who grow up with parents in healthy marriages tend to fare better in terms of academic performance, mental health, drug and alcohol use, and their own relationships than children whose parents divorce. The positive effects of successful marriages can – and often do – pay off for generations,” Dr. Stanley concluded.

Jacques Bazinet is an advocate for building happy, healthy and successful marriages. Jacques was previously a director in the office of Dr. Stephen R. Covey, where he traveled with Dr. Covey to meet with heads of state and business and municipal leaders from around the globe to improve their effectiveness.

To learn more about Guarantee Your Marriage and sign up to begin online training, visit

Submitted by Robyn Brown, Brooks and Associates.

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