Special Holiday Edition 2016


Health Center

 Provided 10,000 office visits  
 for people without a medical 
 home or health insurance.

Food Pantry

 Provided 23,000 bags of food
 for the hungry.

Assistance & Referral            

Your Helping Hand

Give immediate, life-changing help 

to those in our community 

by contributing your year-end, 

tax deductible, recurring monthly 

or one-time donation of 

$25, $40 

(for our 40th Anniversary)

$100 or more.


Donate online today at 



Make A 


This Holiday Season

Provided emergency assistance
 to more than 3,400 residents.

In 2015, we provided 563 
children with Christmas toys, 
206 families with Thanksgiving 
dinner and 537 children with 
back-to-school supplies.

Rockwall Women’s 

League President-

Elect Lisa Ward 

(left) and member 

Rhonda Holloway 

next to the RWL 

Christmas tree, 

which won People’s 

Choice at the 2016 

Festival of Trees.



elping Hands of Rockwall County’s 7th Annual Festival of Trees


filled the Hilton Dallas/Rockwall Lakefront with holiday cheer and the spirit of giving. From 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on 
Friday, Nov. 18, and Saturday, Nov. 19, the Boutique of Helping Hands Huge Tax-Free Holiday Sale saw a wide 
selection of holiday items, home decor, furniture, jewelry, clothing, wreaths, and Christmas trees on display for those 
looking to get a head start on their Christmas shopping, with all proceeds benefiting Helping Hands. Dinner, dancing 
and a live auction capped off the festivities in Saturday night’s Festival of Trees Gala celebrating the agency’s 
40 years of service to the community.

Congrats to the winners of this year’s Festival of Trees:
Repurpose Challenge – Teri Bedford
Best Small Tree – Farmers Electric Cooperative
Most Unique Tree – Texas Health Presbyterian 
Hospital Rockwall
Most Traditional Tree – Bella’s House
Judge’s Choice – Expressions Home Décor
People’s Choice – Rockwall Women’s League

Story and photos by Austin Wells, Blue Ribbon News. 
