(ROCKWALL, TX — September 25, 2017) Local moms are getting the chance to connect with each other through an exciting new opportunity starting in neighborhoods across the community known as Gather.
Gather is a neighborhood community of moms meeting regularly in their homes to encourage and support each other to be more intentional with their families. An introductory 12-month curriculum of faith-based family values is provided to facilitate growth as the group connects over the first year.
“The curriculum is faith-based, but it’s open to anybody because it’s all things that any mom would want to learn about,” said Jenny Worsham, who started the first Gather group in her neighborhood at Woodcreek.
Worsham said the idea to start a Gather for her neighborhood came from when she attended a similar group for young moms. The group was led by fellow mom who taught members how to instill family values in their kids.
“My son was just starting kindergarten and I was meeting a lot of moms in our neighborhood who had kids in his class,” Worsham said. “I found a lot of moms who were lonely and stressed out, and I really had a heart for those moms and giving them the resources that someone had given to me. Being a mom is exhausting, often lonely, and can be full of guilt and shame. We need to gather together to encourage each other as moms.”
Worsham’s Gather group meets on the third Thursday of every month from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. During each meeting, Worsham said the group studies a family value such as love, friendship, or gratitude, and learns fun and unique ways to instill this family value in their kids and spouses that month.
As more moms began to learn about Gather, the idea soon began to spread to other neighborhoods around Rockwall County. Worsham said a mom in The Shores is about to hold her second Gather, and another in Sonoma Verde recently hosted her first neighborhood Gather.
“It has become a really beautiful thing, and it’s cool to see how God is growing it to other neighborhoods. It’s been neat to see how other moms are connecting to it,” Worsham said.
Seeing the growth of Gather led Worsham and a couple of her friends to put together a community-wide Gather event on October 20 at Lake Pointe Church in Rockwall. The event will be held from 6 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. and will see moms from around the Rockwall community and beyond come together in a night of fun, inspiration and encouragement. Attendance cost for the event is $20 and includes a small dinner, tote and journal.
Worsham said the event is for all area moms, not just Lake Pointe members, and will hopefully raise awareness of Gather and help to connect more moms together.
“Ultimately our goal is to connect moms who may not otherwise know each other, to provide a network for moms to be encouraged, to become more intentional in their homes and with their families, and to leave inspired.”
To register for the event visit www.lakepointe.org/gather.
By Austin Wells, Blue Ribbon News. Photo courtesy of Jenny Worsham.
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