Patti Richter, On Faith: An Out-of-This-World Way of Living

Patti Richter, On Faith: An Out-of-This-World Way of Living

Rockwall, TX (August 14, 2024) – My husband and I have competing interests when it comes to long-distance drives. In his destination-driven perspective, the goal is to arrive as soon as possible. My own travel preference is to slow down and explore—stop and smell the roses, or the barbecue. When it comes to life in […]

Patti Richter, On Faith: Passion with Purpose – From Protesting to Producing

Patti Richter, On Faith: Passion with Purpose – From Protesting to Producing

Rockwall, TX (June 28, 2024) – No disease was needed to shut down April-May classes and commencement ceremonies this year. It appears that illnesses of the emotional type are equally contagious. Those staples of modern American culture—offense and outrage—so easily feed these epidemics. It’s no surprise that college students have the vigor needed to sustain […]

Reflections on a Good Father’s Trust Fund

Reflections on a Good Father’s Trust Fund

Rockwall, TX (May 16, 2024) – All six of us were present and seated around our parents’ dinner table several days after our father died. We had also gathered here just five months earlier, after our mother passed away. None of us wanted to be recalled so soon to those duties that mingle with grief. […]

Patti Richter, On Faith: Reasons Not to Trust Those First Impressions

Patti Richter, On Faith: Reasons Not to Trust Those First Impressions

Rockwall, TX (March 25, 2024) – Elizabeth Bennet and the aristocratic Mr. Darcy quietly observed each other at a local ball. Lizzy disliked his high-brow bearing, while he, though attracted to Lizzy, rejected any thought of a connection to her less cultivated family. Reading Jane Austen’s classic novel Pride and Prejudice could cure us of […]

Patti Richter, On Faith: How I came to love…my mother-in-law

Patti Richter, On Faith: How I came to love…my mother-in-law

Rockwall, TX (January 9, 2024) – “Na-na-na-na boo-boo. I’ll be with Jesus before you.” My mother-in-law sang that little ditty to me in our final phone conversation. She had just accepted hospice care, and, knowing I was crying, she tried to make me laugh. Marion, who I always called Mom, made me laugh for most […]

The Unbroken Song of Peace on Earth

The Unbroken Song of Peace on Earth

ROCKWALL, TX (Nov. 19, 2023) From Thanksgiving to Christmas can seem like one long holiday, which for some folks isn’t long enough. In the eyes of a child, the passing months of the calendar all lead to the 25th of December. With childlike anticipation, I recently began counting down the days to a long-hoped-for event: my […]

Patti Richter, On Faith: Delivered from domain of darkness

Patti Richter, On Faith: Delivered from domain of darkness

ROCKWALL, TX (Oct. 25, 2023) A brave thirty-four-year-old left his native Scotland in 1858 and traveled four and a half months with his young bride to their chosen destination in the South Pacific. Though thankful to finally arrive at their intended island, relief soon gave way to horror and dismay. The local inhabitants were naked […]

Walking and Talking along the Yellow Brick Road

Walking and Talking along the Yellow Brick Road

Rockwall, TX (August 8, 2023) – Plenty of tears will fall as the new school year commences. Not so much from the kindergartener’s eyes. Or the college freshman left standing awkwardly in a dorm room with a stranger for a roommate. It will likely be the parents—mostly the moms—whose eyes well up and spill salty […]

The Confession of a Once-Pagan King

The Confession of a Once-Pagan King

Rockwall, TX (June 23, 2023) – My wooded neighborhood features a mix of mature hardwood and pine trees—up to 100 feet tall. We welcome the rains that keep them green but worry about high winds that make them sway. Rain and wind are a dangerous combination since the added weight of wet leaves can bring […]

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