It is the true story of perfect timings, numerical milestones, and a lot of faith… In the end, we met and married five months to the day. We moved to Germany ten days later and we celebrated 26 years of marriage just this past year. Rockwall, TX (February 5, 2025) – I usually like to […]
Rockwall County, TX (December 17, 2024) – Domestic violence (DV) is a pervasive issue that affects individuals and families across all communities, including Rockwall, Texas. As the holiday season approaches, the need for support and safety becomes even more critical. Increased stress, financial pressures, and social obligations can exacerbate situations where domestic violence exists. My […]
Adobe stock library Rockwall, TX (November 26, 2024) – This Christmas, think about the redemptive power that the season holds. The story of Scrooge’s transformation is one that resonates deeply, not just because it’s heartwarming, but because it’s relatable. We all know someone whose heart seems hardened, whose past pains or regrets have left them […]
Rockwall, TX (August 21, 2024) – This past weekend, I had the honor and pleasure of emceeing the Greater Rockwall-area Youth Symphony and Rockwall Art League annual luncheon and auction. As I stood on the side of the stage waiting to kick off the fun, I thought of a phrase I have said for years, […]
Rockwall, TX (June 20, 2024) – We all recognize the familiar scene of a woman in her third trimester of pregnancy, engaging in the final stage of preparation known as nesting. This can manifest as a fervent need to clean, finalize a birth plan, or decorate the nursery. According to the bestselling manual What to […]
Rockwall, TX (January 1, 2024) – What is there left to tell you that another wise journalist hasn’t already said about entering into the New Year? Set SMART goals? Start with the end in mind? Go easy on yourself. Forward motion is the key, not your final destination? Yes, you have read all these and more, […]
Rockwall, TX (October 24, 2023) – If I asked you to tell me how many green cars you saw today, what would you say? Most likely you would think for a moment, then shrug your shoulders saying, “I have no idea!” That is because until reading this article, you didn’t know I wanted you to […]
Rockwall, TX (August 10, 2023) – We all know summer is quickly coming to a close. Back-to-school shopping is in full swing along with preparations for after-school activities, busy schedules and all that this return to academics brings. For some, we cannot wait to get back in the classroom or to see our littles walk […]
Rockwall, TX (June 13, 2023)- As I write this, I am sitting in a 150 year old half-timbered house in former East Germany. Several years ago, we bought this home and began the painstakingly slow process of renovating it. Most of the renovation we do on our own when we can be here for three to […]
ROCKWALL, TX (May 17, 2023) May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Scour the internet and you will find endless memes, motivational bits and pieces on how to live your best life and how to identify and grow to your best you by addressing mental health issues. I thought I’d take a helicopter view and share […]