Kukka by Sally Kilgore: Blooming Crazy

Kukka by Sally Kilgore: Blooming Crazy

Rockwall, TX (April 25, 2024) – I can see no way that we will get through the season without me writing about the garden, so let’s do this now. The Mildscape is in glorious full bloom in the third week of April. How can I neglect mentioning vibrant Roses, sweet Dianthus, Cat Mint tipped in […]

Kukka by Sally Kilgore: Content in the Good Things

Kukka by Sally Kilgore: Content in the Good Things

Rockwall, TX (March 27, 2024) – Happiness is a place between too much and too little. – Finnish Proverb  Happiness is continuing to desire what we already have. – Saint Augustine The above quotes are favorites of mine. The first, a Finnish Proverb, is one that has rolled around in my spirit for years. Not […]

Kukka by Sally Kilgore: Ring the Bell

Kukka by Sally Kilgore: Ring the Bell

Rockwall, TX (December 18, 2023) – Holidaze.   A month of anticipation, lights and Shiny Brites, holiday programs and choruses.  Gifts to be found, wrapping accomplished, Angel Trees and food banks to fill. So much packed into just about four weeks, from Thanksgiving to New Year’s. A month of myriad emotions and some humbugs too. The […]

Kukka by Sally Kilgore: Ammi’s Table

Kukka by Sally Kilgore: Ammi’s Table

Rockwall, TX (November 10, 2023) – My grandparents were Finnish immigrants, settling on the Keeweenaw Peninsula, in the Copper Country, Upper Peninsula of Michigan. “Ukki”, as we called my grandfather, worked as a copper miner and owned a small property in Allouez; a home for his family with a barn across the lane, cows and a […]

Kukka by Sally Kilgore: Used Goods

Kukka by Sally Kilgore: Used Goods

Rockwall, TX (October 20, 2023) – I have a friend who frequents thrift stores. She recently shared a photo of a treasure she had passed up while on a foraging expedition. The photo showed a red, green, and blue snowman, crafted of Playdoh, with perky yellow buttons, requisite carrot nose and a winsome sky-blue derby. […]

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