(ROCKWALL, TX — September 29, 2017) Much of North America embraced peace and harmony in late August. Our socio-political cacophony took a mid-day break as citizens—Alt-Right, Alt-Left, and the greater numbers in between—stood in unified wonder over a heavenly phenomenon.
Some people travelled hundreds of miles to view the Great American Eclipse of 2017 from their chosen destination along its coast-to-coast path. They sacrificed time and money for their “total” experience, although the celestial performance itself was provided free of cost.
The reliable prediction of that stellar event served to heighten our expectation. Scientists now tell us to mark our calendars for the next one, 2024 in the U.S., and we have no reason to doubt their prognostication.
It would take an awesome amount of faith in Nothing to believe that such well-ordered astronomical manifestations come from a random beginning. In contrast, believers in God can appreciate these events along with their knowledge of the Event Coordinator, whose Good Book opens with the creation of the world and closes with the return of Christ, whose coming will eclipse both the sun and the moon.
The universe testifies to the perfection of God’s design. The Apostle Paul wrote that nothing is random with God, whose eternal power is made plain to us through his creation, and because of this no one has an excuse to suppress truth.1
Jesus made the startling claims that he is the truth2 and that he came to fulfill the words of the Law and the Prophets,3 which both prefigured his coming as the Messiah. And his talk was not cheap since he gave his life to save “whoever believes in him.”4
After Jesus forewarned his disciples of his coming death and resurrection, he revealed his future return as judge over all,5 which led to their questions about the end of the age. Jesus answered that his coming would be as lightning… 6 “the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven… and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And he will send out his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds.…”7
As the risen Messiah, Jesus speaks again in the last book of the Bible, Revelation, to remind readers that he is indeed coming.8 He compels believers and spiritual seekers alike: “let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who desires take the water of life without price.”9
How tragic that anyone would miss out on this far greater event—the day of the Lord’s appearing, which can only be written on our hearts, not our calendars. There won’t be another one like it.
1Romans 11:36; 1:18 – 20; 2John 14:6; 3Matthew 5:17; 4John 3:16; 5Matt. 16:21; 27; 6Matt. 24:27; 7vss. 29 – 31; 8Revelation 22:12; 9v. 17. (Quoted verses from the English Standard Version).
By Blue Ribbon News faith columnist Patti Richter of Heath.
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