(ROCKWALL, TX — July 18, 2019) Teleflora North Texas Unit announced that it will join thousands of Teleflora local member florists nationwide to celebrate the 19th annual Make Someone Smile® Week by delivering surprise bouquets to deserving recipients in Rockall, Texas. From Sunday, July 21 to Saturday, July 29, Teleflora North Texas Unit and local volunteers will prepare and deliver handmade Be Happy® Bouquets to spread joy throughout the community.
During Make Someone Smile® Week, beautiful floral arrangements made by hand and hand-delivered will be given to those most in need of a smile, including veterans, hospital patients, seniors at nursing homes, recipients of Meals-on-Wheels programs and even first responders at local police and fire departments. Teleflora North Texas Unit will work with local wholesalers and growers to secure fresh flower donations to design each surprise bouquet with teams of volunteers and deliver to local charities including Rockwall Nursing Care Center.
Make Someone Smile® Week was developed by Teleflora in 2000 and is the floral industry’s most successful volunteer initiative in North America, delivering happiness in local communities around the country. Last year, the program spanned more than 350 facilities throughout the United States and Canada led by florists who donated their time to deliver more than 30,000 bouquets and smiles.
For more information, please contact Teleflora North Texas Unit at 972-771-4600. Everyone can join us and share in the spirit of delivering a smile to someone in need by visiting http://www.teleflora.com.
Submitted press release by Teleflora North Texas Unit.
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