Men and Ladies of Honor host Promise Keepers Virtual Experience July 31 – Aug. 1

Men and Ladies of Honor host Promise Keepers Virtual Experience July 31 – Aug. 1

ROCKWALL, TX – July 29, 2020 — The Men and Ladies of Honor organization is proud to host the Promise Keepers Virtual Experience on July 31-August 1, 2020. The event will run Friday evening and Saturday morning at Family Cathedral in Mesquite.

This hybrid virtual/in-person event is free but does require registration. When registering, you will be given a chance to make a donation and any amount is appreciated, but you can choose a donation amount of zero if you are not able to donate.

Due to social distancing requirements space is limited so register early.

Here is the registration link:

WHO: All men who wish to serve God

WHAT: Promise Keepers Virtual Experience

WHEN July 31-August 1 Friday 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM CDT, Saturday, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM CDT

WHERE: Family Cathedra of Praise, 790 Windbell Cir, Mesquite, TX 75149

WHY: To see and hear great speakers and worship music, and to fellowship with other Godly men

Submitted press release by Men and Ladies of Honor.

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