Rockwall County Uniform Election 2021 Candidate Q&A Series: Clarence Jorif

Rockwall County Uniform Election 2021 Candidate Q&A Series: Clarence Jorif

Clarence Jorif

ROCKWALL, TX – April 23, 2021 — As the Rockwall County Uniform Election 2021 approaches, Blue Ribbon News invited all candidates running for Rockwall City Council to participate in our Candidate Q&A Series. We provided a questionnaire for each candidate on the ballot to provide some insight on themselves and their platform. The Early Voting period for the Rockwall County Uniform Election 2021 is April 17-29th. Election Day is Saturday, May 1st.

Meet Clarence Jorif, who is running for Rockwall City Council Place 3 in the upcoming election. Read all about Jorif in our questionnaire below.

First and Last Name: Clarence Jorif


City of Residence: Rockwall


Immediate Family Members: Wife – Lyne, Daughters – Maya, Sydney, and Darby



Norwich University, Northfield, VT: Masters Degree in Public Administration with a concentration in Public Safety/Emergency Preparedness

The State University of New York – Excelsior College, Albany, NY: Bachelors of Science Degree in Criminal Justice and Psychology



Small business owner: The Compound Royse City – Shooting Sports Training Facility

Small business owner: The Compound Security Services – Investigative and Security Consulting firm

In December 2016, I retired from the U.S. Secret Service as a Senior Special Agent after nearly 21 years of service.  As a Senior Special Agent, I provided and supervised protective operations for the President and Vice President of the United States, Former Presidents, Heads of State, and numerous Visiting Dignitaries, both nationally and internationally. My final assignment was in Cyber Security Protection as it pertained to protective security for President Barack Obama, Vice President Joseph Biden, and President-Elect Donald J. Trump.  Remember, YOU elected them and I protected them.

I was a Computer Forensic Examiner and certified member of the U.S. Secret Service Electronic Crimes Special Agent Program. I routinely investigated, provided technical assistance, and supervised investigations involving Counterfeit, Bank Fraud, Wire Fraud, Access Device Fraud, Identity Theft, Exploited Victims and International Criminal Groups.

Being of Hispanic Descent, Panamanian and Costa Rican parents, I was selected as the Hispanic Special Emphasis Program Manager for the U.S. Secret Service. Special Emphasis Programs are an integral part of the Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Employment Program. I’m a former U.S. Secret Service Polygraph Examiner, federally certified Mediator, and Alternative Dispute Resolution practitioner.

Due to my extensive medical background, I was designated as the U.S. Secret Service, Los Angeles Field Office (LAFO), Pandemic Coordinator with the responsibility of conducting interactive training of all LAFO mission essential personnel regarding the preventative measures steps that should be taken to safeguard themselves and their personnel in the event of a pandemic outbreak.  I was designated as the LAFO Anthrax Medical Countermeasures POC, wherein in the event of an aerosolized anthrax attack my responsibilities included dispensing Anthrax Medical Countermeasures (MCM) within six hours to all Secret Service employees assigned within the LAFO district and to all applicable protective details.  In cooperation with the Los Angeles Joint Terrorism Task Force, I was instrumental in obtaining a supply of anthrax antibiotics for all personnel assigned to the LAFO and within our district from the Los Angeles County Department of Health Services, Emergency Medical Services Agency.

I was a Police Officer with the Arlington County Police Department, Arlington, VA, and was an integral component in the Community Based Policing approach to law enforcement.  While enforcing the laws of Arlington, VA and the Commonwealth of Virginia, I interacted in a positive manner with the communities that I was entrusted to protect and serve.  I accomplished this by forming a solid partnership between law enforcement and all individuals served.

While in the U.S. Army, I was a highly decorated enlisted service member and then became a warrant officer.  As an U.S. Army Warrant Officer, assigned to the U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command, Protective Services Unit, I was a Detail Leader responsible for the worldwide personal security of Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney, Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff Colin Powell, DOD officials and numerous high-level foreign dignitaries.

I possess and maintain certifications as a National Registry Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Texas Department of State Health Services Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) and American Heart Association CPR / AED Instructor.  As an Instructor, I routinely conduct and supervise CPR / AED and First Aid classes and trainings for individual civilians and local, state and federal entities.

I am a Counter Surveillance tactician, International Association of Law Enforcement (IALEFI) Firearms Instructor – Master Firearms Instructor, and PADI Master Scuba Diver and Rescue Diver.  Additionally, I am a NRA Training Counselor and Training Instructor who possesses the following certifications: Certified Pistol, CCW, Certified Rifle, Certified Shotgun, Defensive Pistol, Personal Protection Inside The Home, Personal Protection Outside The Home, Certified Home Firearm Safety, Certified Refuse To Be A Victim, and Chief Range Safety Officer.


Political Experience:

I am currently the elected National Treasurer for the Hispanic American Police Command Officers Association (HAPCOA) and is fiscally responsible for a six figure budget and financial operations.  HAPCOA established in 1973, is the oldest and largest association in the U.S. of Hispanic American Command Officers from law enforcement and criminal justice agencies at the municipal, county, state and federal levels.


Current and Past Public Service, Activism and Volunteerism:

I’m currently the elected Vice President of the Rockwall County Republican Men’s Club; a lifetime member of the Terry Fisher American Legion Post 117; a member of the Rockwall Chamber of Commerce, as well as the Rockwall Veterans Business Alliance; and, was an active member of the Rockwall Breakfast Rotary Club.

As a U.S. Jaycee, I served communities throughout the United States via community service and leadership development projects.  I served as President for three local chapters, Management VP, Public Relations VP, and Community Service VP.  I have directed and administered community service projects that directly impacted thousands of individuals within communities located within the United States and the Caribbean.  I have received local, state, national and international recognition as a U.S. Jaycee for my community service and leadership skills.

I was the Chairman of the U.S. Jaycees Citizen Corps Program, a local, state, national and international program wherein I was responsible for implementing Citizen Corps and Emergency Preparedness programs.

Why are you running?

As a fiscally Conservative Christian, businessman, homeowner, husband and father of three daughters, I believe that government should operate within its budget just like the rest of us do.

I am inspired by promoting conservative solutions and will remain dedicated to preservation of those values in Rockwall.  Rockwall is a unique city with a small town feel that needs to be maintained and safeguarded, especially in light of the continual and vibrant growth that we are experiencing.

My job will be to be the voice of ALL Rockwall residents, while working interactively to promote public safety, develop and maintain our infrastructure, and actively engage business development.


What are some specific goals you would like to accomplish if elected?

I will actively engage the implementation and strengthening of my three platform pillars. My three platform pillars are Public Safety, Infrastructure, and Business Development.

Public Safety

With my prestigious military and extensive law enforcement background, I know firsthand public safety, the needs of our first responders, and the support that must be provided to them by our community and local leaders.  I will always be the voice that addresses the needs of our first responders who tirelessly protect and selflessly safeguard us.


As Rockwall grows, it’s necessary to have a visionary and forward-thinking Councilmember who is focused on addressing the needs of our growing community.  I am that Councilmember, who will strive to protect the homestead exemption while maintaining low property taxes, which is vital to all Rockwall residents.  I will accomplish this by working to forecast the continued sensible growth and development of Rockwall, without adversely affecting the communities that currently exist.

Business Development

As a small business owner, I know that city government must continue to be the driving force that helps to facilitate economic growth.  My solutions involve strengthening our economy by promoting local businesses and streamlining the processes at City Hall that will aid in attracting new businesses and companies.  Vital in this undertaking will be working closely with the Rockwall Chamber of Commerce and the Rockwall Economic Development Corporation.


What is your stance on how the city should handle growth?

Sensible growth is a must, especially when taking into account the communities that currently exist and which could be adversely affected by over-population and over-development within their areas.  Fiscal responsibility must be coupled with a common sense approach to development which means adherence to the 2040 Comprehensive Plan Development.

How would you assess the city’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic? What additional steps does the city need to take at this time?

It is my belief that Rockwall handled the COVID-19 pandemic as best as it could dependent upon the directives of our County Judge, who in turn received his directives from Austin.

Most businesses, especially small business owners, suffered due to the pandemic and have now begun to recover based upon the restrictions being lifted.  I do not believe in government dictating what its citizens can and cannot do.  We were founded as the United States and our Constitution states that all men have inalienable rights.  We have the right to choose and make decisions that we believe are in our best interests.

I believe that the city in conjunction with the county need to continue their vaccination efforts by providing access to the vaccines to those individuals who wish to be vaccinated. No citizen or resident should be forced to receive a vaccination nor should they be forced or required to have proof of vaccination.  It comes down to individual choice and not a government mandate – FREEDOM OF CHOICE.


What are some non-pandemic issues you feel the city needs to address, and how would you approach those issues if elected?

My biggest concern is the need to provide the resources and support needed by our public safety personnel – Police, Fire, and EMS personnel.  Having worn a military uniform, a police uniform, and business/civilian attire for nearly half of my life in service to this country, I know that the resources and support provided to them directly correlates to increased safety and services for ALL of the residents of Rockwall. As the voice of Public Safety, I would use my 38 years of leadership, supervisory, management and budgetary skills while meeting with their individual associations to address the items that directly impact them.  Our Public Safety personnel give selflessly of themselves for all of us and deserve the support of this community and its city government.


What do you like to do for fun? Any hobbies?

I love spending time with my family, especially on long car trips.  It’s hilarious when we mimic James Corden and do our own special impressions of “Carpool Karaoke”. It’s not an experience for the faint of heart or tone deaf, but definitely helps the time and miles go by.

I am an avid firearms enthusiast and enjoy conducting for others so that they may acquire the skills needed to safeguard themselves and their families.

I love horseback riding, but would need to find a Belgian Friesian, whose breed originated in the Netherlands.  Why you may ask?  Mainly because that’s the only breed of horse that I believe can safely support me.


What’s one thing others may be surprised to learn about you?

Consider me one of Santa’s Helpers; I’m the BIGGEST elf that you’ll ever see.


Anything else you’d like to share?

Working together, we can ensure that Rockwall continues to be a safe and conducive place to live, work, play and raise our families.  My focus will be on preserving the quality of life that we’ve come to enjoy and attracting businesses that will contribute to Rockwall and that provide good-paying employment opportunities.

My Conservative background, Christian beliefs, proven leadership skills, fiscally responsible budgetary knowledge and application, practical hands-on experience, nearly four decades of service and service to others, diversified educational background, and my love for Rockwall makes me the ideal candidate to become Rockwall’s next City Councilmember.

My voice will be yours – ALL of Rockwall.  I will serve you without personal gain or benefit. The ONLY exception is that I will find joy in leading and growing Rockwall sensibly and together with ALL of you.  I represent the future with all of the tools needed to be successful on Day 1 in office.  Granted, I will have five council members and the mayor to rely on for guidance.  Ultimately, my decisions will be made via prayer and with your best interests in mind.



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