Rockwall, TX (March 23, 2024) – Have you thought about what happens to your beloved pet upon your death? Have you planned for it?
Knowing that pets become family, Bill Houser has thought about this for over 10 years. As an estate and probate attorney from Rockwall he has seen too many situations that did not work out as intended.

Houser shares a story that was the catalyst for his new venture, Pawzpurr. Years ago, Rowlett clients of his, a senior couple, passed away within months of each other. With no specific provision for their beloved pets, the couple assumed their surviving family would welcome their puppies into their own home. While one family member did originally, they could only do so for a brief time. Unfortunately, with no one else having the means and ability to care for two more puppies, the puppies went to a shelter for placement.
“As many as six million pets are abandoned each year, with many of those due to the death of their owner” says Misti Potter, who joined Pawzpurr as President/CEO two years ago. “Sadly about 50% of those are euthanized each year.”
For those of us who love our pets that is a heartbreaking statistic.
Why are so many pets abandoned following their owners passing? A variety of factors prevent loved ones from embracing another pet. Sometimes the pet may not cohabitate with their existing pets or family members. Often, finances are the primary concern.
Pet owners are keenly aware of the financial requirements of pet ownership. Aside from food, grooming, and other daily expenses, there are larger expenses of veterinary care, vaccinations, or potential illness. While family members or friends may want to help, the realities of the world do not always allow that to happen.
Filling a need is important to Potter and has been the focus of her career from her days at the Boys & Girls Club in Rockwall and Austin, and now with Pawzpurr and her own consulting business.
How can Pawzpurr fill a need? Pawzpurr offer clients assurance that their pet will be cared for following their death.
While pet insurance and pet trusts exist Pawzpurr offers a greater benefit. Pet insurance ceases upon the death of the owner carrying no benefits further. Trust funds may be depleted depending on the owner’s financial means. For subscribers, Pawzpurr is committing to the ongoing care of the pet for life regardless of who owns the pet.
A $45 monthly subscription offers continued care for the life of the pet! Upon the death of the subscriber, the new owner, often designated by the previous owner, will receive $150/month for pet related needs plus an additional $1500/year for veterinary care – a substantial benefit!
What if the pet owner does not have a designated caretaker? Pawzpurr works with a resource of approved shelters and temporary caretakers ready serve as fosters until an adoption is made. Therefore, if the situation warrants and the pet must be placed for adoption, the new owner will receive the full benefit! Pawzpurr calls this a Gold Star Adoption!
Potter shares her own personal story that underscores how Pawzpurr could have helped someone in her family. Upon the death of her father, Potter took in his dog, Blaze. Unfortunately, Blaze did not fit the family dynamic. In search of a new caretaker, Potter found a young, single relative with no other pets who agreed to take Blaze. While she was receptive, she had financial concerns given her stage in life. Pawzpurr would have made a significant difference taking that burden off her shoulders and perhaps made placement in a loving home much easier.
Recently launched, “public response to Pawzpurr has been tremendous” says Houser. They continue to receive feedback saying this is a much-needed service.

Pawzpurr is a labor of love for Houser and Potter who believe strongly the organization can fill a need for pet owners everywhere. While Pawzpurr is currently only available in Texas, they are so enthusiastic about the service they look towards expansion to other states in the future.
For more information about Pawzpurr and the life-long benefit to your beloved dog or cat, visit their website at
Blue Ribbon News Staff Report. Photos courtesy Pawzpurr.