Rockwall County earns Safety Achievement Award from TAC Risk Management Pool

Rockwall County earns Safety Achievement Award from TAC Risk Management Pool

AUSTIN (February 3, 2025) – Rockwall County has earned a 2024 Safety Achievement Award from the Texas Association of Counties Risk Management Pool (TAC RMP) for its record of commitment to safety in the workplace, as well as for controlling the county’s workers’ compensation claims.

To qualify for the award, the county must participate in TAC RMP’s Workers’ Compensation Program, have a safety program or accident prevention plan and meet additional criteria.

Through its commitment to safe practices among county employees, Rockwall County works to reduce employee injuries and obtain substantial savings for taxpayers by minimizing workers’ compensation costs.

The county is one of 16 TAC RMP members statewide who have earned this award.

Governed by a board of county officials, TAC RMP has provided counties with protection against risks and liabilities for over 50 years. TAC RMP’s risk control programs and services help Texas counties promote safety and save tax dollars.

Submitted press release, edited for publication in Blue Ribbon News.