Update from Rockwall ISD Board of Trustees Special Session of Monday, March 3

Update from Rockwall ISD Board of Trustees Special Session of Monday, March 3

Rockwall, TX (March 4, 2025) – District leadership updated the Board of Trustees on the development of the 2025-2026 budget and continued the new series, Where Does the Money Go: Myth vs. Reality.

Key takeaways from the budget presentation:
• It is estimated that the FY2025-26 budget deficit will be approximately $10.5M next year. This is primarily due to opening Middle School #4, hiring new positions to meet student instructional needs, and rising operational costs due to inflation.

Administration also presented a multiphase budget reduction strategy to the Board for further discussion:

• Phase I: 2024-2025

• Phase 2: 2025-2026 Voter Approved Tax Rate Election

• Phase 3: 2026-2027 If Voter Approved Tax Rate Election is Unsuccessful: Additional Budget Reductions

The latest Where Does the Money Go: Myth vs. Reality presentation examined whether public schools, specifically Rockwall ISD, receive full state funding. Key points included:
• A breakdown of all funds received, with a detailed explanation of which funds directly support classrooms and teachers (some funds received have a designated use per state or federal law and are not available for classroom instruction).
• A breakdown of revenue sources, highlighting that local Rockwall ISD taxpayers now fund 78% of the district’s budget while the state contributes 17%—a significant shift from 2013 when local funding was 59% and state funding was 39%.
• An explanation of the recapture process and its effect on public school funding.
• The effects of state funding formulas remaining unchanged despite inflation.

View the complete presentation online .

Want to be in the loop? Rockwall ISD is excited to introduce a new e-mail communication specifically designed for community members and local businesses: Rockwall ISD Connections.  Community members can sign-up through the District website at https://www.rockwallisd.com/community1/rockwall-isd-connections. This email communication will highlight news and topics about Rockwall ISD including:
• District Updates,
• Current & Upcoming Events, and
• Academics, Arts, Sports and more.

Information shared through Rockwall ISD Connections is also sent to Rockwall ISD staff and parents through Finalsite enewsletters using the email addresses included in Skyward Family Access.

Press release submitted by Luci Mouton, edited for publication in Blue Ribbon News. Courtesy graphics.