(Rowlett) The deadline is fast approaching to turn in applications for Leadership Rowlett Class XXI. Anyone living or working in the City of Rowlett is eligible for the education program, with classes set to begin in late September and meeting at least once a month through May.
The makeup of each Leadership Class is considered to ensure representation of a variety of professional, civic and demonsgrahic backgrounds. Its purpose is to identify and motivate emerging community leaders. The class provides insight into Rowlett’s history, government, economy, social issues, needs, opportunities and the exisiting process for dealing with them. The curriculumn combines lectures, dialogue and interaction.
The class begins with a mandatory two-day treat devoted to team bonding, problem solving, group cooperation and character building. Class sessions will include an overview of city, county and school operations along with a visit to each.
The course culminates with a trip to Austin in the spring. The class will meet with key leaders and government officials while touring the State Capitol and various state offices.
There will be graduation ceremony held at the Rowlett Chamber’s Annual Awards Banquet, where Certificates of Completion will be presented to graduates.
Previous graduates include such civic leaders as Scott Airitam, Barry Butler DDA, Bobby Montgomery, Cliff Hand, Dr. Barb Fowler, Dr. James Fowler, Staci Mauldin, Kenny McKelroy, Jan Davis, Drew Howard, Mat Mooris and Diane Lemmons.
Total tuition for Leadership Rowlett XX1 is $795.
For more information, view Leadership Rowlett’s detailed brochure here or call the Chamber at 972-475-3200.
The dealine to turn in applications is Wednesday, Aug. 31.
Information submitted by Louise Brown, Communications Director with the Rowlett Chamber.
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