Meet ‘Hero Dog’ candidate at Patriot Paws fundraising event (VIDEO)

Meet ‘Hero Dog’ candidate at Patriot Paws fundraising event (VIDEO)

Video by DFW Reporting.

Support Patriot Paws Service Dogs by attending a fundraising event from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, May 12 at Culver’s Restaurant on Ridge Road in Rockwall.

The American Humane Association, sponsored by Betty White, is currently running a Hero Dog Awards contest. Richard and his service dog, Wendy, is the Patriot PAWS entry in this contest.

Richard and Wendy will be at Culver’s on Saturday along with other Patriot PAWS Service Dogs and representatives of Patriot PAWS to answer questions and demo what these dogs can do.

Wendy saved Richard’s life when he had a stroke and was on the floor unable to move or speak. Wendy brought him the telephone and placed it in his hand so that he could make a call for help. When Wendy sensed that Richard was unable to use that hand, she placed the phone in Richard’s other hand and he was able to make the call.

By supporting this fundraiser, you’ll be helping Patriot Paws train more dogs to help other disabled American veterans.

Submitted by Bonnie Hardick, Volunteer Marketing Coordinator, Patriot PAWS Service Dogs. Video by DFW Reporting.

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