‘Growing Up in Rockwall’

The Klutts farmhouse replica creator, Glen Turbyfill.

(Rockwall) September 16, 2012 – The Rockwall County Historical Foundation started the fall season of its Brown Bag Lecture Series with a program about “Growing Up in Rockwall,” presented by Linda Mitchell Duran.

Linda used modern technology to show pictures of buildings, teachers and fellow Rockwall natives.
New Texas Historical Commission Board appointee, Mike Donegan from Fate, was introduced.
Glen Turbyfill showed the scale models of the Klutts farmhouse and the museum at Harry Myers Park that he had constructed.
Linda Mitchell Duran

The next RCHF Brown Bag program, “Talking Tombstones,” will be presented at noon in the Historic Courthouse on October 12.

Thanks to Leigh Plagens, RCHF publicity, for sharing this news.
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