Scout writes to Blue Ribbon News for Communications Badge
(Rockwall) August 25, 2013 – Twelve-year Caleb Davis was among several members of Troop 83 to earn rank advancements, merit badges and awards at the August 5th Court of Honor at First United Methodist Church Rockwall.
Caleb advanced to the rank of Star along with Eddie Chapman, Mason Cross, Colton Gross and Beau Williams Other rank advancements include: Life – Josh Berglund, Griffin Callahan, Josh Makara, Charles Starnes and Thomas Starnes; Second Class – Jason Dupre and Brenden Ivey; Tenderfoot – Noah Curry, Crhis Daniels, Noah Fornero, Seth Hollon, Aiden Perkins, Warner Perkins and Ethan Pfahning; Scout – Mason Beatty, Aiden Perkins and Warner Perkins.
Caleb, who crossed over from Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts in 2012, hopes to achieve the rank of Eagle Scout within one-and-a-half years. He was just elected to his first troop-wide position as Chaplain Aide, where he’ll lead prayers and give short devotionals at campouts and other Scouting events.
Caleb was featured along with his sister Chloe in our March edition for their pet sitting business, Paws & Claws. He emailed Blue Ribbon News recently to say he was working toward his Communications Badge, a necessary step on the path to Eagle Scout. One of the requirements is to “write to the editor of a magazine or local newspaper to express your opinion or share information on any subject.”
“I would like to talk about how great your newspaper is. I like your newspaper because it talks about the great things in life,” Caleb wrote. He went on to explain how many newspapers cover what’s happening in the community, but he believes Blue Ribbon News does it the best.
Thank you, Caleb – and congratulations to you and Troop 83!
Troop 83 was founded in 1975 by Wayne and Joyce Fisher and chartered by FUMC Rockwall. The aims of the troop are the same as those established by Boy Scouts of America: to build character and moral strength; to foster citizenship; and to develop physical, mental and emotional fitness.
*identifies Eagle required merit badges
Jase Barrier First Aid*, Swimming*
Mason Beatty First Aid*, Swimming*
Josh Berglund Basketry, Lifesaving*
Griffin Callahan Citizenship in the World*, Environmental Science*
Eddie Chapman Personal Management*
James Clark Hiking*
Rhett Cooprider Lifesaving*
Mason Cross Canoeing, Enivornmental Science*, Lifesaving*
Spencer Cross First Aid*, Swimming*
Noah Curry First Aid*, Swimming*
Chris Daniels Citizenship in the World*, Environmental Science*, First Aid*, Mammal Study
Caleb Davis Communications*, Computers, Electronics, Environmental Science*, Mammal Study
Jason Dupre Camping*, Cinematography, Computers, Small Boat Sailing
Troy Dureault Electronics, Mammal Study, Motorboating, Welding
Michael Fornero Archery, Environmental Science*, Lifesaving*
Noah Fornero First Aid*, Swimming*
Colton Gross Citizenship in the World*, First Aid*, Lifesaving*, Mammal Study, Radio
Alex Hickey Chemistry, Chess, Oceanography
Seth Hollon First Aid*, Swimming*
Jacob Hranicky Family Life*, Swimming*
Brenden Ivey Basketry, Chemistry, Leatherwork
Jason Lundy Environmental Science*, Lifesaving*, Motorboating, Rifle Shooting, Shotgun Shooting
Tanner Lundy First Aid*, Swimming*
Myc Magnuson Basketry, Chemistry, Leatherwork, Mammal Study, Small Boat Sailing
Josh Makara Canoeing, Environmental Science*, Lifesaving*, Mammal Study, Snorkeling BSA
Jalen McKay First Aid*, Swimming*
Matthew McKnight Chemistry, Emergency Preparedness*, Welding
Dylan Miller Electronics, Space Exploration
Cameron Montgomery Cinematography, First Aid*, Swimming*, Welding
Shane Norman First Aid*, Swimming*
Andrew Peal Archery, Basketry, Electronics, Leatherwork, Wood Carving
Aiden Perkins First Aid*, Swimming*
Griffin Perkins Chemistry, Rifle Shooting, Small Boat Sailing, Welding
Warner Perkins First Aid*, Swimming*
Ethan Pfahning First Aid*, Mammal Study, Swimming*
Colby Robbins Basketry, Cinematography, Leatherwork, Lifesaving*, Mammal Study
Ryan Ruff Canoeing, Motorboating, Small Boat Sailing, Wilderness Survival
Aaron Smith Lifesaving*, Small Boat Sailing, Welding
Mason Smith Mammal Study
Charles Starnes Mammal Study, Personal Management*
Thomas Starnes Mammal Study, Personal Management*
Ryan Szafran Cinematography, Mammal Study, Small Boat Sailing
Coltrane Tolleson First Aid*, Swimming*
Matthew White Mammal Study, Small Boat Sailing, Space Exploration
James Whitley Canoeing, Indian Lore, Mammal Study
Beau Williams Citizenship in the World*, Lifesaving*, Motorboating, Snorkeling BSA, World Conservation Award
Matthew Wright Citizenship in the World*, Environmental Science*, Lifesaving*, Mammal Study, Welding, World Conservation Award
Mikell Wright Chess, Lifesaving*, Mammal Study, Motorboating
Rockwall kids take the lead with pet sitting business
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