Stephen Ministry presents Emergency Preparedness program at First Christian Church Rockwall

ROCKWALL (January 30, 2014) Joe DeLane, Coordinator for Rockwall County Emergency Management, addressed area ministers and Stephen Ministers on January 21 at First Christian Church in Rockwall, presenting information about the planning for County response in the case of a major disaster or accident.

A major disaster would be one in which the resources of this county would be overwhelmed to provide first responders of all kinds and would require assistance of outside resources and other groups within the county, such as ministers and Stephen Ministers, to assist with families affected by the incident. Ministers and Stephen Ministers have specialized training to minister to those experiencing emotional trauma or grief and would be most helpful in a Family Assistance Center set up for temporary aid in the event of disaster.

He also described special training available through his department for citizens of the county to be trained in emergency preparedness. Those trained would be members of CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) and would be credentialed and called when needed. For more information about CERT, email .

Stephen Ministers at First Christian Church Rockwall were delighted to host this event and to meet so many fellow Stephen Minsters who are quietly at work in the community.

Submitted by Greta Miller, First Christian Church  member.

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