ROCKWALL,TX. (August 6, 2014) The youth mission team from First Christian Church Rockwall just returned from working in San Lazaro, Belize.
In the 8:45 am and 11:00 am morning worship services on August 17th at the First Christian Church in Rockwall, the youth missionary team will give a presentation of their trip to share their experiences and spiritual journeys, as well as a slide show of the trip. Immediately following the 11:00 am service, the youth group will serve a Belizean meal.
During the mission trip, the group replaced the roof on a church in the community of San Lazaro and participated in a food ministry where they went into town and bought staples in 100 lb. bags and repackaged them for 20 different families – rice, flour, beans, masa, soap, etc. They delivered the packages to indigent families in the community.
The group also helped lead a Vacation Bible School for 120 children. Children were chanting, “V-B-S”, “V-B-S” as they rode through the streets. The community prepared all the meals for the group in an open kitchen over a wood fire.
Anyone interested in visiting the First Christian Church to learn more about the youth mission team’s experience is invited to join us on Sunday, August 17th.
First Christian Church is located at3375 Ridge Rd., 1.4 mile south of I-30.
For more information, you may call the church office, 972-771-5526.
Submitted by First Christian Church Rockwall.
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