(ROYSE CITY, TX – June 10, 2015) Big Gus and Swampadelic invites all to come join the largest fishing tourney in the state during Big Gus’ 2nd Annual Swampadelic Catfish Tournament and Fry on Saturday, June 27 at Southern Junction Nightclub and Steakhouse in Royse City.
Featuring the smart and beautiful handfishing Bare Knuckle Babes, this year’s event will see dozens of local and out-of-state fisherman vie for the $5,000 first place prize. Participants can fish by any legal means, including “noodling” or catching catfish by hand.
“Big Gus” Samuelson said last year’s event was a huge hit and he expects twice the number of participants in this year’s tourney, including several skilled noodlers from Oklahoma and other champion fishermen from around the state.
“It’ll be twice as big this year,” he said. “A lot of those guys from those noodling TV shows on A&E and The History Channel are going to be entering, too. So in the world of catfish fishing, we’ll have several heavyweights entering this year.”
The final weigh-in for the tournament begins at 6 p.m. First place adult winners receive $5,000, second place $3,000 and third place $1,000. First place for the kids category wins $500, second place $300 and third $100.
The family-friendly event will also include a charity fish fry beginning at 4 p.m. with a concert featuring Jeff Allen as the headliner, followed by Jerrod Medulla and Jeff Hopson. A bounce house will be on hand for kids to enjoy.
Tournament registration is going on now until June 25. Entry fee is $50 with the option to enter as a three-man team available, and $70 for the concert and fish fry. Proceeds from the event will benefit the Collin County Children’s Advocacy Center and the Boys and Girls Club of Rockwall County. Doors open at 12 p.m.
For more info, visit biggusandswampadelic.com, visit their Facebook page or call 774-244-4875 or 774-BIG-GUS5.
Big Gus & Swampadelic 2014 Tournament & Catfish Fry a sizzling successs
By Austin Wells, Blue Ribbon News reporter.
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