Making a list…

Making a list…

Checking it twice.

Dawn Redig

With so much to be thankful for, I keep a journal by my bed where I jot down one thing each night that I am grateful for. I often go back and read it, just to remind myself what’s on my list. Family, friends, faith – these are the biggies. But sometimes it’s the little things that, well, really aren’t so little – and I ponder how different life would be without them.

Hot showers.

My list wouldn’t be complete without adding Good News. I’m grateful and often overwhelmed by how much of it we have to share in this community.

This season marks the sixth year that Blue Ribbon News has been in print. We have been blessed – through the support of loyal advertisers, contributors, and readers like you – to share positive, hometown stories that in some small way help to make the world a better place.

We launched this publication when traditional newspapers were dying. Our print and digital media company found its niche, and our publication grew. Today our print edition is delivered free to more than 20,000 homes and businesses throughout Rockwall and Heath. Our online pub has thousands of followers and well over a million views. We produce a nightly e-newsletter and a local entertainment and events calendar. We share good news through our social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. We stay busy.

What many people may not know is that our family owned and operated business accomplishes this with a very small staff – a handful of dedicated professionals who pour their hearts and time into serving this community and making Blue Ribbon News the best it can be. We serve on local boards, committees and non-profit organizations, attend community events, shoot photos, shoot live facebook videos, conduct interviews, report the news, write features, design and build ads, and manage websites, social media and marketing for businesses large and small.  We work weekends, meet midnight press deadlines, do 4 a.m. press checks, ship our papers to the post office for direct mailing, and hand-deliver a few hundred more to area businesses.

None of this could be accomplished without a hard-working, dynamic and “true blue” Blue Ribbon News and BRN Media team.  So let me add them to my list:

Austin Wells, Editor/Senior Reporter
Julie Anne Wells, Layout Designer/Social Media Strategist
Amy Sidebottom, Media Coordinator/Creative Genius
Richard Redig, What doesn’t he do?
And of course our remarkably talented interns, contributing writers, guest columnists and contributors, whose names and work can be found throughout our print publications, social media channels, and online at

Our first print edition, 2012!

But most importantly, our Blue Ribbon News team puts YOU at the top of our list. It’s Good People, Good Living, Good Causes, Good Business, Good Times, Good Health, Good Sports, and Good Music that keep Blue Ribbon News going.

Thank you, and may your blessings be plentiful this holiday season.

By Dawn Redig, Blue Ribbon News Editor-in-Chief/Publisher.