As we near the end of 2019, I am looking forward to a new decade and chapter in our City history!
In the past decade, our City has experienced tremendous growth, as we have added around 1,700 people each year. We have expanded our sewer, water, and power capabilities to keep up with the population growth. We have started our downtown revitalization program that will welcome new businesses and residents. Our transformation is well underway.
We have repaired our roads and we plan another round of road improvements, which will continue to improve traffic flows throughout the city. I agree, we have a lot of room for improvement, but we are committed to upgrading our roads.
I am so grateful for our City employees. They work very hard behind the scenes, but they should be in the spotlight because of the tireless way they keep our City running smoothly. They are simply amazing!
Fate has the best DPS team. They are dedicated to keeping us safe every day. They continue to engage our fellow neighbors to foster a sense of community. Thank you for your service and dedication!
In 2020, we will start a new chapter in our City history by transforming it with the additions of new businesses, both small and large. Yes, continued City growth is inevitable for the near future, but we need to be smart about approving new developments, so we do not create long-term financial challenges.
As I have said many times, we are a family. Yes, we have our family fights. Then we gather as a community to discuss the issue, then we find a viable solution, together! This is why this community is such a special place to live! I am so grateful, we are able to keep a close knit community, as our family grows.
Here is a toast to a new chapter in our city history! May each of you have a wonderful New Year filled with love, happiness, friends, and family.
Yes indeed, our future is bright!
Submitted by David Billings, Mayor Pro Tem, City of Fate for publication in Blue Ribbon News.
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