HEATH, TX – July 7, 2020 – The Heath Department of Public Safety is now offering citizens and visitors a Safe Exchange Zone for online transactions, child custody exchanges, and other face-to-face meetings.
The Safe Exchange Zone is located outside of the Heath DPS station at 200 Laurence Lane. The location is well-lit and multiple cameras are strategically placed in the area with the live footage displayed inside the station. Heath DPS officers can also view the cameras remotely.
“The exchange zone provides a place where our residents and visitors can safely complete online transactions, fulfill child custody arrangements and conduct other in-person meetings,” “said Interim Chief Brandon Seery. “We also welcome the use of our DPS lobby for these types of transactions.”
If you have questions, contact Heath DPS at 972-961-4900.
Submitted press release, edited for publication in Blue Ribbon News.
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