Notice and Agenda: Special Called Meeting | Public Hearing
Heath City Council | 200 Laurence, Heath, TX
Wednesday, September 9, 2020 at 6:30 p.m.
HEATH, TX (September 4, 2020) Members of the public may participate in the meeting via videoconference or in-person at City Hall. The public will be afforded an adequate opportunity to present their view on the proposed budget and proposed tax rate to City Council prior to City Council taking action, whether in-person or virtually.
There will be public access to the location specified above. A quorum of council members will be
physically present at the location.
The public may participate virtually as follows:
Join through App
https: //uso2web.zoom. us/j /85972542030
Join Through Browser
https: I I uso2web.zoom. us/wc/join/85972542030
Or Telephone:
US: 1346 248 7799 Webinar ID: 859 7254 2030
Long Distance
877 853 5257 Webinar ID: 859 7254 2030
1. Call to Order – Special Meeting.
This is an opportunity for the public to address the Council on any matter listed on the agenda, except public hearings. Comments related to public hearings will be heard when the specific hearing begins. Public comments are limited to three (3) minutes per speaker, unless the speaker requires the assistance of a translator, in which case the speaker is limited to six (6) minutes, in accordance with applicable law. To address the Council, please sign in prior to the start of the Council Meeting. Each speaker shall approach the podium and state his/her name and street address before speaking. Speakers shall address the governing body with civility that is conducive to appropriate public discussion. Speakers can address only the governing body and not individual city officials, employees, or attendees. The public cannot speak from the gallery but only from the podium.
3· Discussion and Action Regarding an Ordinance Approving and Adopting a Budget for the City for
the Fiscal Year October 1, 2020 through September 30, 2021; Providing that Expenditures for said
Fiscal Year shall be made in accordance with said Budget. (LMays)
a) Presentation of request.
b) PUBLIC HEARING to receive comments regarding the request.
c) Discussion and action regarding the request.
4· Discussion and Action Regarding a Resolution Ratifying the Property Tax Increase Reflected in
the 2020-2021 Fiscal Year Budget. (LMays)
5· Discussion and Action Regarding an Ordinance Levying Ad Valorem Taxes for the Year 2020
(Fiscal Year 2021) at a Rate of $0.376569 per One Hundred Dollars ($1oo.oo) Assessed Valuation
on all Taxable Property within the Corporate Limits ofthe City as of January 1, 2020; to Provide
Revenues for the Payment of Current Expenses and to Provide an Interest and Sinking Fund on all
Outstanding Debt of the City; Providing for Due and Delinquent Dates together with Penalties and
Interest. (L.Mays)
a) Presentation of request.
b) PUBLIC HEARING to receive comments regarding the request.
c) Discussion and action regarding the request.
6. Adjourn.
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