ROCKWALL, TX – September 8, 2020 — Meet Easton and Jace Knight. These little guys are 3 ½-year-old twins and their mom, Lauren says, “They are obsessed with anything that has wheels.” So, of course, a fire truck is one of the top bucket list items for them to experience.
Easton is a special child. He was born with TAR Syndrome, a rare genetic disorder, the main characteristic of which is that he was born with no radius bones in his forearms. His dedicated family located a physician in West Palm Beach, FL that specializes in this disease and Easton has had seven surgeries to this point in his young life, since the first at 18 months. The Knight family is pleased with the progress that these doctors have made, even turning his hands on his wrists so that he has some function of them today.

Rockwall Fire Department Chief Kenneth Cullins received word that these energetic kids needed a ride on a fire truck, and he and the men of Fire Station #2 stepped up big time for them. They began with a personalized grand tour of the station, led by Captain Jay McKee. A special highlight of the tour was the firefighter’s sleeping quarters. No visitor is ever allowed in this area, but these guys were welcomed. And they experienced the alarm that sounds to awaken the firefighters when a call is received.
Then it was out to the bay where the fire trucks are parked and an exciting ride around the neighborhood. The fire truck driver awarded them stickers for their shirt and, of course, a genuine firefighter helmet. Captain McKee enjoyed explaining all the equipment to these fascinated boys. It was certainly a day they will not forget.
This is a special family that loves their sons so much. They have some long roads to travel in the future and I know they would surely covet your prayers.
Story and photos by Blue Ribbon News special contributor John Adams.
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