HEATH/ROCKWALL, TX (Feb. 7, 2022) Heath City Council members Brent Weaver, Donna Rolater, and Rich Krause are proud to announce their endorsement of Frank New for Rockwall County Judge. Having served side by side with Frank for the past several years, each of them feel they have had the opportunity to see for themselves exactly what Frank can do for Rockwall County.
Donna Rolater, Heath City Councilmember for Place 3, has served with Frank for the past four years and has this to say about Frank: “I see Frank not as a politician, but as a servant leader who never stops looking for opportunities to make our city, county and nation better. He is adamant about being a good steward of the taxpayers’ money but has even taken that a step further by initiating a study into how many products our city purchases that were made outside of the United States. Following that study, with the Council’s endorsement, Frank implemented a policy to purchase only American made products with city funds. Frank found a way for our city to do its part to strengthen our nation. He really cares about what he is doing, and it shows. We couldn’t ask for a better man for Rockwall County Judge.”
Brent Weaver, Heath City Councilmember for Place 4, earned his position on the council in the same election as Frank and they have been working together for more than five years. According to Mr. Weaver, “As Mayor Pro Tem, Frank provides our council strength and guidance, and an unwavering commitment to always do right by the people who have put their trust in us. Frank has a unique ability to see the whole picture, working through the details of where we are while keeping an eye on where we want to go, and he works hard to find solutions to current problems that keep us on track to future goals. His work ethic and experience make him a good choice to lead this county, his integrity and good heart make him the best possible choice.”
Rich Krause, Heath City Councilmember for Place 6, has also worked with Frank from the beginning, having served on Heath’s City Council for several years before Frank was elected in 2017. Mr. Krause saw how quickly Frank settled in and got to work when he was elected to the council and knows people can expect the same from Frank when he is elected as Rockwall County Judge. “Frank New is the kind of man who learns fast, works hard, and encourages everyone around him. There is no one better suited to move Rockwall County forward. It has been an honor serving the city of Heath with him, and I am excited to see what Frank will do to strengthen and protect Rockwall County.”
The Primary Election Day is March 1, 2022. Early voting begins February 14, 2022 and runs through February 25, 2022. You can find more information on voting locations and hours at www.rockwallvotes.com.
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