ROCKWALL, TX (April 28, 2022) The threat of rain did not keep mudbug lovers from turning out in droves to the 10th Annual Crawfish Fest at The Harbor, hosted by Dodie’s Cajun Diner.
The record-breaking event held April 24th raised more than $10,000 for the J.E.R. Chilton YMCA at Rockwall Angel Camp program for kids with special needs.
The crowd enjoyed music by the Big Daddy Band, prize drawings, and of course – over 2,300 pounds of steaming crawfish served up with corn and potatoes.
Staff and volunteers from the J.E.R. Chilton YMCA showed up in full force to help make this year’s event such a success.
General Manager Dan Keils extends a special thanks to the event sponsors, including AT&T, AirStar Services Cooling & Heating, Brothers Produce, Bernard Seafood Inc., Blue Ribbon News / BRN Media, Andrews, Key Element Media, Ocean Beauty Seafoods, Southern Glazer’s Wine & Spirits, Ben. E. Keith Co., and Sysco.
Prizes were given away to those who wore the oldest vintage Crawfish Fest T-shirt, and the new 2022 commemorative t-shirts were a huge hit.
Keils said that Dodie’s believes it is important to give back to the community it serves. This week the restaurant is serving up a special ‘Blue Tie Pasta’ dish with blackened shrimp and crawfish, along with a Blue Lagoon Cocktail, to help support child victims of physical and domestic abuse in Rockwall County.
For every order of Blue Tie Pasta, Dodie’s will give $2 to the Children’s Advocacy Center for Rockwall County. For every Blue Lagoon Cocktail, Dodie’s will give $1.
Be sure to stop by the giant blue ribbon on the Dodie’s patio for a photo op and #goblueforkids as Child Abuse Prevention and Awareness Month wraps up in Rockwall County.
Submitted press release. Photos by BRN Media. Dodie’s is a Blue Ribbon News advertiser and client of BRN Media.
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