WYLIE, TX (April 26, 2022) A female tiger cub was confiscated in Texas by Laredo Police Department and Laredo Animal Care Services on Friday. Her possession was in violation of the dangerous wild animals ordinance.
In-Sync Exotics Wildlife Rescue and Educational Center in Wylie, TX is the first sanctuary many agencies call when they have an exotic cat in need of a safe home and lifelong care. In-Sync Exotics has an established relationship with Laredo Border Patrol as well as the veterinarian who called In-Sync for help. The sanctuary is home to five other tigers that Laredo Border Patrol has confiscated in the past – Smuggler, Aasha, Assad, and Zahra, who was pregnant with Kylo Ren when she was rescued.
The female tiger cub, named Minnie, arrived home safely Sunday. After an initial examination and weigh-in by In-Sync’s veterinary team, the cub is believed to be about two months old. She is receiving age-appropriate nutrition, enrichment, and care which will evolve as she continues to grow.
In-Sync Exotics’ founder and president, Vicky Keahey, had this to say about the newest arrival – “We may not know much about her past, but we know she has a future full of happiness and love with us.”
A tiger can live over 20 years in captivity, and each year the cost of food, veterinary care, maintenance, and housing for just one of these exotic cats can easily cost thousands of dollars.
In-Sync Exotics, located at 3430 Skyview Drive in Wylie, TX, is a non-profit whose funding is solely dependent on the generosity of its donors – from private donations, corporate sponsors, and grants, every donation, no matter how small or how large, goes directly to care for the cats. With over 70 mouths to feed, that works out to over $1.2 million needed in funding every year.
“When we rescue a cat, we’re making them a promise. We promise to give them the absolute best life possible for their entire life. Not just a day, a month, or a year, but for their whole life, which is easily over 20 years. That’s a big promise and we don’t take it lightly. We feel it’s our responsibility to these cats who didn’t ask to be born into captivity. It’s the least we can do,” said Keahey.
About In-Sync Exotics Wildlife Rescue and Educational Center
In-Sync Exotics, a non-profit organization established in 2000, is dedicated to the rescue of neglected, abused, and unwanted exotic felines. American Sanctuary Association (ASA) accredited, Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries (GFAS) verified, and a member of Tigers in America, In-Sync Exotics provides the highest quality life-long care for the 70+ exotic animals that reside at the sanctuary.
Submitted press release by In-Sync Exotics, edited for publication in Blue Ribbon News.
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