Ribbon cutting recognizes Girl Scout Silver Award project at In-Sync Exotics

Ribbon cutting recognizes Girl Scout Silver Award project at In-Sync Exotics

WYLIE, TX (Sept. 13, 2022) – The cool weather even brought out the big cats for the ribbon cutting of the Girl Scout Silver Award project held recently at In-Sync Exotics.

With about 30 troop members, family, and friends present, Katie Jacobs, Savannah Page, and Kaitlyn Hodges cut the ribbon on the information kiosk that they worked so hard to update/upgrade.

The Silver Award is the highest award that can be earned as a Cadette Girl Scout (6,7,8th grades).

After choosing In-Sync Exotics, home to over 75 big cats, Katie, Savannah, and Kaitlyn from Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas Troop 6541-Service Unit 148, updated the faded and worn information station at the Sanctuary in Wylie, TX.

The highlights of the upgrade included homemade, painted concrete pawprint stepping stones, a newly painted tiger sign, power washing and staining the existing structure, 2 glass-front information frames, and installing a fence to keep everyone safe.

FASTSIGNS Garland literally topped off the kiosk by donating the creation and installation of a sign with In-Sync’s logo.

“We are grateful to the Girl Scouts for choosing this project, which helps us provide our visitors and supporters a unique space to share their In-Sync experience with family and friends,” said In-sync’s Education Board member Laura Czekala.

About In-Sync Exotics

In-Sync Exotics, a non-profit organization established in 2000, is dedicated to the rescue of neglected, abused, and unwanted exotic felines. American Sanctuary Association (ASA) accredited, Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries (GFAS) verified, and a member of Tigers in America, In-Sync provides the highest quality care for more than 75 exotic animals that reside at the sanctuary.

By Lon Ricker, In-Sync Exotics, edited for publication in Blue Ribbon News. 

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