ROCKWALL, TX (Dec. 28, 2022) I woke early and instead of snuggling back in till daylight, I got up; the anticipated aroma of a cup of coffee and thoughts of the first sip tickling my brain. I am sitting in the quiet now, with a crimson throw at my feet, absorbing the Christmas tree glow. I did not find a new ornament for the tree this year. Clearly, no more are needed; the tree is filled! All the vintage baubles of years past please me so much, I don’t require new ones. We attended the DSO Christmas extravaganza early in the season. The music, song, raising voices with hundreds of people in the great hall brought back the Christmas feels of childhood.
Gifts were piled up on the guest room bed, for wrapping, in December. Wrapping was just a bit less grueling than in the past, with many of the gifts popping into brown bags, tissue paper fluffing from the top, and a ribbon tied ‘round the handle. Some are still under the tree, awaiting belated Christmas celebrations.
We have had our second Christmas in this home – already! It’s that dichotomy of thought; seems as if we’ve been home here for years, yet the eighteen months since we moved in have flown by in a flash. I am noticing how rapidly the flashes pass as my years climb! Occasionally the grand“babies”, aka Small Hooligans, will ask my age, only to shake their heads in amazement that anyone can be So Old.
I notice as well, as my life speeds towards sixty-five, that my own body slows me down more. This annoys and puzzles me. I feel like I ought be able to put in a full day of gardening, and still be able to walk the next day! I adjust the pace and allow more time with my feet up and a word game on the iPad. My excuse of keeping my brain alert is a farce – I simply love Scrabble, and my family will not play! I’ve never been one to run a marathon, no penchant for mountain climbing or parachuting. It’s pleasurable finding a spot and watching the ocean. Sitting on a dock with a book and a place to nap in the sun is an ideal activity. The slowing of things, while annoying at times with unexpected aches and pains, does not limit me too much.
Sooner than I can believe, the Holidaze will be over. The festive gatherings of friends will be done, holiday celebrations with family enjoyed once again, and we’ll take a breath and head into another New Year. What will be in store for our family as another year rolls in?
A more consistent routine is something I am glad for, as The Big Old Bear settles into his judgeship, and dinner at 6:30 becomes the norm, rather than the anomaly of dinners together in his days of practicing law from downtown Dallas. I’ll not speak of traffic snarls and aggravations, just to say how good it is that his commute is now, right down Highway 66 and across two bridges. Bless all you who will continue fighting the mass and mess of construction, to get to work. I intend to become more deliberate in my writing practice and regular blogging (which has been sorely neglected!)
Perhaps we’ll plan a trip or two, travel has been somewhat curtailed in these last busy years, and before that, in the times of pandemic. We have loved ones to catch up with and new places to explore. I’ll tend the garden, snipping and nurturing, with intention of reducing the number of new plants this year. Limited digging of holes will make my body a bit less creaky. The grandchildren will continue to speed by us – careers, college, high school, only one left in elementary school. Real life awaits, with much ahead for them.
We’ll enjoy time with new friends, and old. Watch the birds and keep track of the Cardinals as they delight us with their crimson feathers at our feeders. Observe the trees making their slow climb, in this still new dwelling on the eastern prairie! I love large, mature trees, but one perk of brand-new trees is lush grass and flowers that bloom like mad in the bright, unfettered sunshine.
For the immediate future, we’ll enjoy the fire in the chilly evenings, while Bob Kilgore roasts on his blanketed footstool in front of the fireplace, then melts himself down to the rug in a heat induced coma. Read our books, snooze in our chairs. Enjoy the warm glow of the tree until after Epiphany.
Bob Kilgore’s new wardrobe of bow ties arrived, along with the flood of online Christmas purchases. He’ll soon switch out his red and green polka dot tie for his more sophisticated black and white trademark tie, with other new options for spring and summer.
Whatever the New Year holds for you – I pray you will have joy, laughter, courage to face it all, comfort when needed, stamina to share the joy. Peace at home and in our world. Keep your head up and your eyes bright!
Sally Kilgore is a resident of Fate, Texas, transplanted from Rowlett, across the lake. She is married to her long-time flame, Judge Chris Kilgore. When not writing, gardening, filling in at the local flower shop or hanging out with grandkids, Sally devotes her time to serving Bob Kilgore, a well sized, Tuxedo cat with panache.
You can contact Sally at SallyAKilgore@gmail.com , or via her website SallyAKilgore.com