ROCKWALL, TX (Jan. 18, 2023)
Tuesday, Jan. 17, 2023
NOTE: Board meeting summaries highlight different agenda items due to limited audience opportunities at Board meetings as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Board meeting videos are available for viewing within 24-hours of the meeting at
School Board Appreciation Month – January is School Board Recognition Month in the state of Texas. The District expressed appreciation for the dedication and service provided by our trustees. Trustees serve as a crucial link between the community and the classroom. This Board is responsible for a total annual budget of $230 million, 2,205 employees, 23 campuses, and, most importantly, 18,400 students. The Board does all of this while focusing on educational excellence and launching approximately 1,200 graduates a year to their future endeavors. In addition, the Board has been busy managing a bond program that includes 26 projects initiated this past year at 11 of 16 elementary schools, three of three middle schools, both high schools, and four existing auxiliary facilities at an estimated $370,745,000. These accomplishments are in addition to the Board’s guidance in student achievement that includes a Top 25 UIL Lone Star Cup listing, an ‘A’ accountability rating for the third year in a row and supporting Fine Arts, Athletics or Career & Technical Education programs that engage 94% of all secondary students.
Rockwall ISD Trustees: President Linda Mitchell Duran, Vice-President Amy Hilton, Secretary Jim White, Trustee Stephanie Adams, Trustee Stan Britton, Trustee Frank Conselman and Trustee Dr. Sherry Packer.
Approval of Superintendent’s Evaluation
The Board of Trustees approved the Superintendent’s annual evaluation.
Zabojnik named Maurine Cain Middle School Principal
Brittney Zabojnik comes to Cain Middle School with 18 years of experience in public education, most recently as the principal at Quest Academy in Rockwall ISD. Her public education career includes serving Mesquite ISD as an English teacher at Kimbrough Middle School and at The Learning Center, serving Community ISD as Dean of Students at McClendon Elementary School and Dean of Instruction at Edge Middle School, and, ultimately, Rockwall ISD as Assistant Principal at Utley Middle School and Principal of Quest Academy. Mrs. Zabojnik received her Master of Business Administration from Amberton University and her Bachelor of Business Management in International Business from Northwood University. She completed her Educational Administration and Principal Certification from Texas A&M-Commerce.
Mrs. Zabojnik’s professional experiences and accomplishments include:
- Extensive campus leadership service at all levels, including a background in elementary, middle school, special programs and DAEP;
- Comprehensive training in Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS);
- Skilled facilitator of the Professional Learning Communities (PLC) process;
- Facilitates the development of campus’ instructional goals, as well as building campus leadership capacity;
- Experienced presenter with BEST program, research-based instructional practices, and Lead4Ward data interpretation; and
- Specifically, and most importantly, improved student achievement.
Approval of Project Completion for the Aquatics Center Source Capture System Project
The Board of Trustees approved the Aquatics Center Source Capture System project completion. The project was completed December 2022. The 2015 bond program paid the construction costs.
Approval of Project Completion for the Performing Arts Center(s) Stage Curtain Replacement Projects
The Board of Trustees approved the Performing Arts Center(s) Stage Curtain Replacement projects completion. The 2021 bond program paid the construction costs.
Approval of Consultant Design Services and Project Delivery Method for Rockwall High School Shower Wall Repair Project
The Board of Trustees approved the consultant design services to Strohmeyer Architects and the project delivery method as competitive sealed proposal. The District’s general operating fund will pay the construction costs.
Approval of Consultant Design Services and Project Delivery Method for Herman E. Utley Middle School Reconstruction Project
The Board of Trustees approved the consultant design services to Corgan Architects and the project delivery method as construction manager at risk. The 2021 bond program will fund the construction costs.
Approval of Consultant Design Services and Project Delivery Method for Rockwall High School Multi-Purpose Building Waterproofing Project
The Board of Trustees approved the consultant design services to Armko Industries, Inc. and the project delivery method as competitive sealed proposal. The District’s general operating fund will pay the construction costs.
Approval of Resolution Regarding the COVID-19 Local Leave Benefit Extending Through June 30, 2023
The Board of Trustees approved a resolution for all eligible, full-time staff members for five local COVID-19 leave days effective January 3, 2023, through June 30, 2023.
Approval of the Order of Election for the May 6, 2023, General Election to Elect Trustees in Places 6 and 7
The Board of Trustees approved the Order of Election for the May 6, 2023, General Election to elect trustees in places 6 and 7.
Approval of the 2023-2024 School Calendar
The Board of Trustees approved the 2023-2024 School Calendar after receiving feedback from stakeholders. It will be posted to the District website soon. The calendar includes the following highlights:
· First Day of School: Monday, August 14, 2023
· Fall Break: October 9-13, 2023 (includes 2 professional development days)
· Thanksgiving Break: November 20-24, 2023 (includes 3 exchange days)
· Winter Break: December 18, 2023 – January 2, 2024
· Spring Break: March 11-15, 2024
· Last Day of School: May 23, 2024
Board summary provided by Rockwall ISD, for publication in Blue Ribbon News.
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