Rockwall County Justice of the Peace Mark Russo and Court Honored as one of the first to be recognized as a Judicial Centers of Excellence in Texas

Rockwall County Justice of the Peace Mark Russo and Court Honored as one of the first to be recognized as a Judicial Centers of Excellence in Texas

Austin, TX (June 30, 2023) – The Texas Judicial Council recognized the Honorable Mark Russo and Justice of the Peace Precinct 3, Rockwall, Friday for their ongoing commitment to excellence in judicial administration. Russo is the first Justice of the Peace in the state of Texas to complete the months long process.

The Centers of Excellence Program is a Judicial Branch Initiative led by the Texas Judicial Council focused on identifying and highlighting the outstanding work that judges and their staff across the state are doing in their communities and their courtrooms.

Judge Russo was recognized for his outstanding and ongoing dedication to increasing access to the justice system for his constituents, his commitment to individualized justice, and his service to Rockwall County both in and out of the courtroom. As a Judicial Center of Excellence, Judge Russo and his court join seven other district and county courts across the state who have been recognized for their service to the courts and their communities.

As part of that collaboration, Judge Russo stands as a leader among the state’s judiciary and Justices of the Peace and will continue to work with the Council and the Office of Court Administration to further improve and advance the goals of the program across the state.

Submitted press release