Rockwall, TX (November 20, 2023) – Rockwall Rotary Club welcomed the Interact Club at Rockwall High School to their November 16 meeting to share updates club accomplishments and upcoming service projects.

Rockwall High School teacher and club sponsor, Cheri Whitelock introduced the Senior officers:
- Kayley Cock – President
- Nhira Iverson – Social Media Head
- Carly Braaten – Vice President
- Christian Barron – Secretary
- Haley Havens – Communications Head
RHS Interact Club, which receives guidance from Rockwall Rotary, exists to help students grow as leaders and develop a sense of community as they see needs and serve others. Each year the club seeks to complete local, national, and international projects.
Providing an update on several key projects from the prior school year, it was clear that this club is extremely active in serving others! Locally, the club supported and volunteered for a wide range of projects – hosted blood drives, created new mom care packages, and held a letter writing project for nursing home residents. For the incoming Freshmen, they also prepared letters of encouragement as those students take on the many changes and challenges of high school! Further away, the club sponsored a young Malawian girl raising money to assist her in pursuing further education.
The Interact Club has been busy this school year as well! Sharing details of recent service projects with Feed My Starving Children in Richardson as they served alongside fellow Rotarians and instructors. This semester they continued to host campus blood drives and letter writing campaigns for Meals on Wheels clients, all the while planning additional fund-raising projects that reach international borders where the needs are great!
Those international projects include the goal of fully funding primary school for 2 students in Kenya and scholarships for 2 high schoolers in Guatemala! The month of November the club created 40 boxes for 11-15 year old underprivileged children in Mexico. Their December project is planned for Saturday, December 9th where they will volunteer at Buckner sorting, packing, and processing international aid donations. The club is excited to invite local Rotarians to assist with this project!
Looking towards 2024, Interact Club is planning a Labyrinth Walk in cooperation with Holy Trinity by the Lake on January 9th. This unique and special program helps support many of the projects and causes planned for the year.
Interact Club is open to Rockwall High School students with an interest in community service and leadership. Rotary Club members act as mentors and offer support through guidance, participation, and fund-raising efforts. You can learn more about Interact and their Rotary connection on the Rotary district website.
Blue Ribbon News Staff