How one local Santa delivers smiles and a memorable Christmas experience.

How one local Santa delivers smiles and a memorable Christmas experience.

Rockwall, TX (December 20, 2023) – For five years Ken Sterling has donned a suit. Not for work but for an incredibly special reason.

You see, Ken is Santa for many Rockwall children. He has always loved playing the role of Santa for family and friends. At least until the grandchildren got old enough to recognize him!

A few years ago, Ken, who owns Horizon Auto Center, located close to Lake Rockwall Estates, visited the neighborhood community center. Speaking with Armando Rodriguez, Community Center Coordinator, he learned more about the community and particularly the after-school program they offer. From that visit, Ken thought he, his wife, and auto center employees could do something to show love to the community and make the kids’ Christmas a little happier.

He pulled out his custom-made Santa suit.In the beginning, “Visits with Santa” started small with candy and time with Santa. As time went by Ken decided they should include gifts. With Ken’s list made, shopping was done! Now, five years later this is a Christmas experience with almost 100 children attending “Cookies with Santa” for those all-important visits, a gift, a few treats, and a cherished family photo!“I do it for the smiles,” says Ken. “You see these kids line up and they all have the biggest smile on their faces!”Each year, Ken and Horizon Auto Center have provided everything to make the event memorable. This year, Ken’s friends from his Lakepointe Church group joined in donating a portion of the gifts and baking cookies. Ken brought four of his own elves, and National Charity League showed up with several elves and volunteers to be Santa’s helpers. As always, members of the Rockwall Police Department were there to celebrate accompanied by Rockwall District Attorney, Kenda Culpepper, joining in this year.But even with the extra help, Ken is still the one to pull out the suit he loves wearing; only turning over the shopping list to Ashley, his new assistant at Horizon Auto Center.

Ken has never advertised this program, nor has he sought recognition. In fact, it took a little bit of coaxing to encourage him to share the story. This should inspire all of us to do what we can… no matter how small… because what starts small can make a significant impact.

Just as Ken is doing right here in the neighborhood.Blue Ribbon News Staff Report