Hatfield and Company gives generously to help Meals on Wheels build Senior Life Center in Rockwall

Hatfield and Company gives generously to help Meals on Wheels build Senior Life Center in Rockwall

ROCKWALL, TX (June 4, 2024) Hatfield and Company, located in Rockwall Technology Park at 2475 Discovery Boulevard, comprises a team of dedicated employees who give back generously to the community in which they live and work. Recently the Hatfield team sponsored an internal silent auction to raise money for philanthropy. Their efforts resulted in a $33,000 donation to Meals on Wheels Senior Services of Rockwall County’s Capital Campaign to build a Senior Life Center.

“Words cannot express how much Hatfield and Company’s donation means to us. We are so grateful for their partnership and continued support in making a difference,” said Margie VerHagen, Executive Director of Meals on Wheels.

Claudette Hatfield explained, “Hatfield and Company employees from all over the country gathered for this annual event and shared stories about how Meals on Wheels had impacted them and their family members. The amount raised by the employees at the silent auction was $16,500, which was then matched by Hatfield and Company for a total of $33,000! The consensus that evening was that Meals on Wheels is more than a meal and that the Senior Life Center is much needed for Rockwall County.”

Founded in 1959, Hatfield and Company is a distributor and manufacturer’s representative of leading technology products and solutions that help customers improve efficiency and quality, and save money. They specialize in solutions for filtration, instrumentation, valves, safety, and other piping related products.