Rockwall, TX (February 25, 2025) – NOTE: Board meeting summaries highlight different agenda items. Board meeting videos are available for viewing within 24-hours of the meeting at
Special Session Meeting
The Board of Trustees toured the Phase 1 renovations to the cafeteria, library and Fine Arts areas at Utley Middle School. The 2021 bond funds paid for the renovations.
Monthly Meeting
Board of Trustees Recognitions
The Board of Trustees recognized outstanding individuals and groups for the following accomplishments:
Rockwall ISD Stock Market Student – Congratulations to Connor S., SAGE student from Sherry and Paul Hamm Elementary School, won 2nd place in the 6th-8th grade North Central Texas region for the Fall 2024 stock market competition. The team used a simulation with an imaginary investment of $100,000 in trade stocks, bonds, mutual funds and exchange-traded funds on the New York Stock Exchange and NASDAQ. After researching and studying the impact of financial markets, they placed trades in real-time, competing with peers in their classroom and with teams across the state to increase their portfolio value.
All-State Texas Education Music Educators Association Musicians – Competing against 70,000 other Texas student musicians, 15 Rockwall ISD students earned positions in the TMEA all-state band, choir or orchestra. These young musicians represent the top 1% of all students who competed for the prestigious recognition.
Rockwall High School: Alddo Sostenes, Maxwell Smith, Caleb Collins, and Alejandro Martinez
Rockwall-Heath High School: Matthew Beem, Sebastian Sanchez and Brooks Hilton
Rockwall High School: Dylan Decker
Rockwall-Heath High School: Lexie Beaber, Emily Ford, Noah Bevan, Addie Rives and Elise King
Rockwall-Heath High School: Logan Rollins and Marco Longoria
National Cheerleading Association (NCA Champions) – Recently, Rockwall High School and Rockwall-Heath High School Varsity Cheerleaders competed in the National Cheerleader Association National High School Competition. Congratulations to both programs and their coaches for the following awards:
Rockwall High School Cheer won the National Championship in Varsity Small Intermediate Performance Division.
Rockwall-Heath High School won the National Championship in Intermediate Varsity Crowd Leading Division.
Executive Director of Athletics Named
Congratulations to Mr. Greg Priest, who was named Executive Director of Athletics. Greg Priest has served Tyler Independent School District as Director of Athletics for 11 years supporting over 2,700 student-athletes at four middle schools and two 5A/6A high schools. His experiences also include 11 years as Baylor University’s Head Men’s Golf Coach, University of Texas Men’s Assistant Golf Coach, Head Men’s and Women’s Golf Coach at Sam Houston University, Tyler Junior College Head Golf Coach, and Pleasant Grove High School Head Golf Coach. Mr. Priest earned a Bachelor’s of Science in Health and Kinesiology and his Master’s Degree in Science of Physical Education at East Texas State University.
Mr. Priest’s professional experiences and accomplishments include the following:
Organizes and manages all athletic operations including budgets, scheduling of events, and facility management;
Recruitment, retention, supervision, and evaluation of all coaches and athletic staff;
Facilitates increased sponsorship revenue through athletic facility advertisement;
Provides leadership and guidance for renovation of athletic stadium facilities aquatics center, golf training facility, and athletic facilities for four middle schools and two high schools;
Provides oversight to ensure compliance with all UIL and TEA policies, rules, and regulations; and
Provides oversight and leadership of competitive and successful athletic programs in all sports.
Public Hearing for the 2023-2024 Texas Academic Performance Report
District leadership presented the 2023-2024 Texas Accountability Performance Report information as required by the state.
Advanced Academics Update
District leadership presented information about Advanced Academic offerings for students through the Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), Dual Credit, and University of Texas OnRamps programs. Information presented included student achievement and enrollment for each program.
House Bill 3 Teacher Incentive Allotment Update
District leadership provided the Board members with an update regarding the Local Designation System for the Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) approved in the 86th Legislative Session in House Bill 3. The TIA recognizes effective teachers on three levels: Recognized, Exemplary, and Master. Teachers with a National Board certification may be designated as Recognized. The amount of funding the designated teacher earns varies by campus based on their designation level, the socioeconomic needs at a campus, the rural status of a campus, and the spending plan created by the district. The Board of Trustees heard an update from the Academics Department about how TIA is being implemented in Rockwall ISD.
Approval of Competitive Sealed Proposal (CSP) Contract Award for Multi-Campus HVAC Replacements (Hartman, Jones, Springer Elementary Schools)
The Board of Trustees approved a contract to Air Conditioning Innovative Solutions, Inc. (ACIA) in the amount of $4,602,941.57 for the Multi-Campus HVAC Replacements at Hartman ES, Jones ES, and Springer ES. Funds from the 2021 bond authorization will underwrite the project.
Approval of Establishing Certain Parameters Relating to Contracting for Electric Services from the District’s Energy Provider
The Board of Trustees approved delegating authority to the Senior Chief Financial Officer to execute a new retail electric provider agreement with an energy provider given the following parameters are met:
Duration of Authority: Through May 31, 2025. Current agreement expires on this date and a new contract must be in place prior to this date.
Maximum kWh unit price: $0.06500/kwh
The district’s current energy price through provider Gexa is $0.06664/kWh and the current energy contract is set to expire on May 31, 2025.
Approval of Middle School #4 Realignment Plan
The Board of Trustees approved the Middle School #4 Realignment Plan:
• Campus attendance boundaries north of Interstate 30 are not realigned;
• All realignment occurs south of Interstate 30;
• Interstate 30 is the North-South boundary;
• State Highway 205 is the defined East-West boundary south of Interstate 30;
• Garcia ES, Shannon ES, Springer ES, and Jones ES, east of State Highway 205, are realigned to Middle School #4; and
• Realignment for Jones ES students west of State Highway 205.
Middle School #4 was approved in the 2021 Bond Program. Construction of the middle school began in 2023 and the school is scheduled to open in August 2025. Parent and community meetings were held at Garcia Elementary, Shannon Elementary, Springer Elementary, Jones Elementary, Rochell Elementary, Cain Middle School, and Utley Middle School.
Approved Middle School Feeder Pattern
Approval of Texas Education Agency Staff Development Minutes Waiver
The Board of Trustees approved the Staff Development Minutes Waiver for the 2025-2026 school year. TEA offers a Staff Development Minutes Waiver that provides for a maximum of 2,100 total waiver minutes to use for professional development. Districts may choose how to apply their approved Staff Development Minutes Waiver (early release, late start, all-day staff development, or a combination).
Notice of Election for the May 3, 2025 General Election for Board of Trustees in Places 4 and 5 Information
District administration presented the Notice of Election information as required by law for the May 3, 2025 Board of Trustees election for Places 4 and 5.
Board Approves Contracts for Election Services
The Board of Trustees approved the election services contracts with Rockwall and Kaufman counties for the Board of Trustees election on May 3, 2025. The approximate cost of the election is $35,000.
Trustees took action on resolution related to Civil Action No. 3:23-cv-01243E.
Press release submitted by Luci Mouton, edited for publication in Blue Ribbon News. Photos courtesy of Rockwall ISD.