ROCKWALL, TX (Nov. 16, 2021) Rockwall High School Student Council is hosting the RHS5K, a virtual 5k and fun run. Sign up to participate by purchasing a RHS5K shirt or hoodie from Rockwall Sports Center at before December 3, 2021. You can then complete the virtual 5k anytime from December 17, 2021 through January 3, 2022 and then submit your run time online through a form that will be emailed to you.
Half of all the proceeds will go toward purchasing fall and winter clothing items for local teens to be donated to Rockwall Rainbow Room, a local charity that provides items to kids and teens removed from their homes due to abuse or neglect.
Even if you do not like running, take a look at this opportunity to promote a healthy lifestyle with your family, support your local school groups, and provide clothing items for the Rainbow Room.
Rockwall High School Student Council strives to empower leaders from the student body to create change in their school and community. The Rainbow Room ( provides for the immediate needs of local children and supports the Child Protective Services caseworkers who help them.
Submitted press release, edited for publication in Blue Ribbon News.
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