It’s Law Enforcement Appreciation Day!
ROYSE CITY, TX (Jan. 9, 2024) Royse CIty ISD is proud to partner with local law enforcement agencies on all aspects of school safety including School Resource Officers. At least one armed officer or security guard is assigned to every campus in the district.
Royse City ISD is dedicated to providing a safe and secure environment for students, faculty, staff and visitors on our campuses. Royse City ISD’s Safety & Security Comprehensive Plan addresses emergency mitigation/prevention, preparedness, response and recovery procedures relevant to natural and human-caused disasters.The plan is updated annually and is reviewed by staff and emergency response personnel.
As part of the plan, each campus practices fire, evacuation, reverse evacuation, exterior lockdown, full lockdown, shelter-in-place and bad weather drills throughout the year. This ensures that faculty/staff and students know the correct procedures in the event of an emergency.
Royse City ISD’s Safety & Security Team conducts audits of every campus in the district on a rotating basis every three years.
Today is National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day and Royse City ISD is immensely grateful to these individuals for their efforts in keeping our schools, facilities and events safe for all.