Rockwall County Office of Emergency Management to test IPAWS warning system on June 28

Rockwall County Office of Emergency Management to test IPAWS warning system on June 28

Rockwall, TX (May 30, 2024) – Rockwall County Office of Emergency Management will test the IPAWS system on June 28th. On this date, you may receive a wireless emergency alert on your cell phone. The alert will say “Test: RCOEM is testing IPAWS visit for more info. Test over.”

What is IPAWS
IPAWS, or the Integrated Public Alert and Warning System, is an alert and warning system managed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). It allows authorities to broadcast emergency alerts and warnings to the public through multiple channels, including cable, satellite radio, and cellphone systems. The system is designed to get important information to as many people as possible.

IPAWS broadcasts different types of information, including
o Tornado emergencies
o Amber alerts
o Presidential alerts
o Any other threat to life or property

IPAWS alerts are received by
o Cell phones
o Computers
o Radio
o TV
o Road signs
o Sirens

Additional Information
Please contact your cell phone provider for information on how to activate/deactivate Wireless Emergency Alerts on your phone.
For more information, go to

Press release submitted by Rockwall County Office of Emergency Management