Introducing the 2012-13 Wylie East Sapphires

Introducing the 2012-13 Wylie East Sapphires

Meet the 2012-13 Wylie East Sapphires Drill Team:

(First row, from left) Audrey Jones, junior; Ashlenn Wellbrock, junior; Billie Watson, junior; Chandler Cobb, senior; Madison Wharton, senior; Haley Archibald, senior.

(Second row) Sophia Lott, junior; Paola Ballentine, junior; Montana Rowe, freshman; Kristin Aaron, freshman; Diana Davis, freshman; Sydney Wood, sophomore; Veronica Villa-Blais, freshman.

(Third row) Casey Holz, junior; Ashlynn Kaplan, senior; Alison Rhodes, senior; Samantha Redig, sophomore; Jaylynn Davenport, junior; Madeline Jones, freshman; Kaitlyn Smith, freshman; Brooke Mainord, sophomore.

(Fourth row) Marison Clayton, sophomore; Brittany Davenport, junior; Taylor Justiniano, sophomore; Ruthie Walker, freshman; Holly Ketner, freshman; Kaitlyn Nodorft, sophomore; Samantha Ragsdale, sophomore; Ana Montoya, sophomore; Delaney Freeman, senior; Catie Shirley, freshman.

(Fifth row) Megan Kelly, freshman; Tina Shoup, sophomore; Amber Schwartz, sophomore; Sydney Herzog, freshman; Maddie Duvall, freshman; Danielle Ory, sophomore; Veronica Key, sophomore; Michelle Muzzillo, junior; Courtney Burns, senior; Taylor Williams, senior. Not pictured: Hannah Chase, junior; Hailey Klingbeil, junior.

Sapphire Officers

(From left) Lt. Haley Archibald, Lt. Madison Wharton, Lt. Billie Watson, Captain Chandler Cobb, Lt. Ashlenn Wellbrock, Lt. Audrey Jones. Photo by Dawn Redig, Blue Ribbon News.

2012-13 Sapphire freshmen
2012-13 Sapphire sophomores

2012-13 Sapphire juniors

2012-13 Sapphire seniors





Silly Sapphires…

Team Social Officers

Delaney Freeman, President

Michelle Muzzillo, Vice President

Hannah Chase, Secretary

Courtney Burns, Historian

Casey Holtz, Publicity/Special Events

Ana Montoya, Chaplain

Samantha Ragsdale, Rookie Representative

Taylor Williams, Spirit

Sapphire Bootbacker Board

President: Lisa Wharton

Vice President: Rhonda Burns

Treasurer: Vickie Jones

Secretary: Lesley Cobb

Parlimentarian: Vivian Watson

Chaplin: Tracey Archibald

Public Relations: Dawn Redig

Historian: Kelly Kaplan

Fundraising: Theresa Ory

Photos by Dawn Redig, Blue Ribbon News.