Low-interest home energy funds: Welcome home to lower energy bills

(Plano) July 13, 2012 – If utility bills are out of control and the summer heat seems to burn money every month, then the $mart Energy Loan (SEL) Program is an option to soothe your budget and your lifestyle. Make home energyefficient upgrades at interest rates which are below current market rates to reduce home energy bills, improve the comfort level of your home, correct pre-existing unsafe conditions, enhance the market value, extend the longevity of your home, and decrease your home’s operational carbon footprint.

In partnership with Credit Union of Texas and the Energy Efficiency Conservation Block Grant, the SEL Program provides residents with the financial flexibility to implement energy-efficiency improvements on their home immediately or as part of a whole house plan.

Eligible energy efficiency upgrades include a whole-house weatherization package, heat/ventilation/air conditioning system (HVAC), heat pump, household appliances (Energy Star and/or Water Sense), window replacement (low-e), solar screens, renewable energy systems, insulation, radiant barrier, duct wrap and more.

If you’re hot under the collar about rising energy costs, energy-efficient upgrades save money on bills, enhance air quality, create a more comfortable living environment and do something good for the environment. For eligibility requirements or to complete an application, go to smartenergyloans.com or contact the SEL Coordinator, .