(March 27, 2014) Lone Star CASA-Court Appointed Child Advocates are honoring the Volunteer Advocates at Dinner Friday, May 9th at The Victorian House in Kaufman. The festivities begin at 6 p.m., with the dinner, entertainment and awards program at 7. The theme is Justice is Served. Dessert will be served by several of our Rockwall and Kaufman County Judges.
Sponsorships and tickets are available at the Lone Star CASA Office, 972-772-5858.
The mission of Lone Star CASA is to provide trained community volunteers to advocate for the best interests of the children in Rockwall and Kaufman Counties who come into the court system as a result of abuse and neglect.
In 2013 Lone Star CASA advocated for 143 Children in the court system. Lack of funding prevented CASA from helping another 30. Volunteers are needed and donations are appreciated.
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