TxDOT, Rockwall County to host public hearing Jan 12

(ROCKWALL COUNTY, TX – Jan. 8, 2016) The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), in conjunction with Rockwall County, will conduct a public hearing on January 12 at Jones Elementary School, 2051 Trail Glen in Rockwall. The purpose of the hearing is to present the planned improvements and receive public comment for State Highway (SH) 276 from SH 205 to east of Farm-to-Market (FM) 549/Corporate Crossing. Displays will be available at 6 p.m. with the formal hearing beginning at 7 p.m.

The proposed project would widen a section of SH 276 from SH 205 to FM 549. SH 276 would be realigned between SH 205 and Wildrose Drive through an existing reserved corridor. Intersections would be constructed at Faircrest and Graystone Drive, and the SH 276/SH 205 intersection would relocate south to connect to Sids Road. The existing SH 276/SH 205 intersection would remain but not connect to the realigned SH 276. The project would be constructed as a four-lane roadway that can accommodate a six-lane facility in the future. Nearly 16.49 acres of additional right of way and 0.86 acres of easements are needed for the roadway and drainage improvements. No displacements are anticipated.

The approximate cost is $30.2 million and the project would begin in summer 2018 for two to three years.

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