97 percent report being happy with quality of life in Rockwall
(Rockwall/Jan. 2012) I would like to share with you our vision for 2012 and what we hope to accomplish.
We’ve survived one of the worst economic downturns in history, better than many cities. The last half of 2011 was much better from an economic standpoint. We’re not out of the woods yet, but it’s definitely getting better.
We are so fortunate that our city followed a conservative economic path these last few years that kept Rockwall financially stable. Our 2011-12 budget remains on the conservative side, with the hope that “the times they are a changin’” – for the better!
Based on an uncertain economy, it was decided early in 2011 to delay taking a bond program to voters that was scheduled for last November. After getting a better idea of what 2012 will bring, we will make a decision on whether or not to call an election on the Capital Improvement Projects in the New Year.
I believe 2012 will give us a gauge of our country’s economic future – and the first half of the year should be a good compass for what the recovery will be in our city. We’ve already seen some good fall sales tax increases from 6-10 percent over 2009-10.
February will offer a good view of 2012 because we will get reports on December sales – and so much depends on the city’s December sales tax revenues. We will also begin seeing the impact of the new John King overpass and the reopening of The Shores Golf Course after major renovations.
On the development side, upcoming commercial projects are significant though limited – but they are starting to happen – and that’s a good sign. The impacts of 190 and of new businesses along I-30, including the PD-32 development at The Harbor are sure to make a positive economic addition to our city.
However, we must also consider that already nationwide forecasts for 2012 are showing that the current economic climate won’t change much, if at all, and predicting a slow return to the “good old days.”
Taking all that into consideration, our City Council can do effective planning for the future.
One thing is certain in 2012 – we have to view water completely different.
We must be more aware of that precious resource and start spending money on pipelines and other water sources. We will need additional supplies, which will cost money. The price of delivering water to us is going up, and we must practice better water conservation.
The new year is bringing much change on the administrative level. The search for a new City Manager will be conducted, and you will decide on three new council members to fill the seats now held by Margo Nielsen and Cliff Savier – whose terms expire – and Mark Russo who can seek re-election to another two-year term.
As for last year, we were all pleased with the results of the 2011 Citizen Survey. Nearly all of you that responded were happy with the quality of life in our city (97 percent). That’s about two percent more than in 2008. Our city staff and council accept the challenge to continue that trend by making good decisions that will result in our city becoming an even better place to live and work.
I hope you folks will continue to show your love for our hometown, continue to get involved in city government and always let us know your concerns and/or ideas.
Life is good in Rockwall, and with your help and support 2012 is going to be a great year.
By Rockwall Mayor David Sweet; edited for publication by Blue Ribbon News.
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