(HEATH, TX – Jan. 21, 2019) Frank New has officially filed for re-election as Heath City Councilman, Place One. When elected to his first term in May of 2017, Frank set out with a single goal: to put the direction of this city back into the hands of its citizens. Even before the 2017 election victory, Frank’s efforts to reach out to Heath’s residents, and hear their thoughts and ideas on the future of Heath, built momentum as he walked from house to house, across every neighborhood, listening and learning every step of the way.
“The biggest lesson I learned from that experience,” Frank says, “is that I was not alone. People want to be heard. I ran for City Council because as a resident, I was talking about my concerns regarding the pace and direction of development in Heath, but no one was listening. As I walked the streets of Heath and listened to my neighbors, I realized that most everyone wanted the same thing I was looking for–leadership that listens. They want public servants, not politicians.”
Since his first official meeting as City Councilman, Place One, in May of 2017, Frank New has worked to open the lines of communication. From insisting on a public forum before voting on issues that affect the visual appeal of our city, to instigating the addition of the “Open Forum/Citizen’s Comments” section at the beginning of every City Council Meeting–so that residents could speak directly to the Council on whatever issue was most important to them, Frank has looked for ways to bring the citizens of Heath into the heart of its leadership. Initiatives like recording and directly posting every Council meeting on the City website allow folks to hear things for themselves, without the stress of fitting meeting attendance into already hectic family schedules and without having to make an open records request. This is just another example of Frank’s commitment to being accessible and accountable to the people who call Heath home.
That accountability looks good on Heath. The New Comprehensive Plan, approved by the Council in April of 2018, is a vision of the future of Heath that truly represents the hopes of its people. According to Frank, “With more emphasis on parks, trails, and open spaces and less room for high density development, this Plan speaks right to the heart of what our residents want for their hometown Heath, and I was proud to be a part of it.” But what is Frank New most proud of as his first term as Heath City Councilman, Place One, winds to a close?
“I am proud of Heath,” Frank says. “We stood up for our city, and we continue to step up. The last two years has seen the greatest outpouring of volunteers for city boards, committees, and events in Heath history and the voter turnout for the last two elections has given our Hometown Heath a voice that can be heard at the County, State and Federal level. We are working together, and it is working!”
Frank New is always ready to listen and can be reached by phone at 469-774-1132 or by email at franknew4heath@outlook.com.
The General Election for Heath City Council is scheduled for May 4, 2019.
Submitted press release for publication in Blue Ribbon News.
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