City of Fate Attorney, Jon Thatcher, accepts position with City of Forney

City of Fate Attorney, Jon Thatcher, accepts position with City of Forney

FATE, TX (August 3, 2023) – It is with great appreciation for his service to the community that we announce Jon Thatcher, Fate’s City Attorney, has accepted the position of City Attorney for Forney, Tx. Mr. Thatcher has been an integral part of our organization since he joined us in 2021 and his presence will be sorely […]

Rockwall selects City Attorney

(ROCKWALL – Sept 14, 2013) Rockwall City Council selected the Law Firm of Davidson Troilo Ream & Garza for it legal services. The council recently authorized Mayor David Sweet to execute a contract with the firm. Frank Garza will be the city’s primary attorney. Garza has acted as the interim city attorney for nine months. […]