Rockwall girl jumps to to the top in fundraising efforts, in memory of little sister

Local businesses step in to help Ella ‘mend sick hearts’ (Rockwall) Feb. 2, 2012 – Ella Turner of Rockwall amazed friends, family and an entire community by raising more than $5,700 last year forĀ Jump Rope for HeartĀ – setting the record as the No. 1 fundraising campaigner in Texas, and No. 10 in the entire nation. […]

Rockwall girl raises money to mend ‘sick hearts’

Rockwall girl raises money to mend ‘sick hearts’

Ella Turner ‘jumps right in’ to help others, in memory of her little sister, Colby Last year Ella Turner of Rockwall amazed friends, family and an entire community by raising more than $5,700 for Jump Rope for Heart – setting the record as the No. 1 fundraising campaigner in Texas, and No. 10 in the […]