Former Game Warden and longtime Rockwall resident announces bid for Rockwall County Justice of the Peace, Precinct 1

Former Game Warden and longtime Rockwall resident announces bid for Rockwall County Justice of the Peace, Precinct 1

ROCKWALL, TX – October 11, 2021 — Former Game Warden Captain and longtime Rockwall resident Tony Norton announces his bid for Rockwall County Justice of the Peace Precinct One. Norton is seeking to bring his 32 years of Criminal Justice experience and leadership to Rockwall County. Currently, he serves as a Deputy Constable in Collin […]

Rockwall Judge Cathy Penn running for Justice of the Peace

Rockwall Judge Cathy Penn running for Justice of the Peace

(ROCKWALL, TX — November 28, 2017) Judge Cathy Penn has announced her candidacy for the office of Rockwall County Justice of the Peace, Precinct 2. With a combined 20-plus years of service to the City of Rockwall and Rockwall County, as well as other local municipalities, Judge Penn has the specialized training and experience to […]