Senior Spotlight: Kaylee Dickison, Rockwall-Heath High School

Senior Spotlight: Kaylee Dickison, Rockwall-Heath High School

Kaylee Dickison is a senior at Rockwall-Heath High School. She is Line Major and Miss Jump Split on the Highsteppers. She is attending Texas Tech University in the fall studying Biology. Submitted by Jennifer Dickison. Help us shine the spotlight on senior students who are missing their end-of-high-school experience. Not only are they creative, courageous, […]

Senior Spotlight: Nicholas Coulombe, Rockwall-Heath High School

Senior Spotlight: Nicholas Coulombe, Rockwall-Heath High School

Nicholas Coulombe has been a member of the Mighty Hawk Band for four years. He is currently a section leader for the trombone section. He played for the Hawks football team for three years. He will be attending Texas Tech university in the fall majoring in Engineering. Submitted by Jennifer Coulombe. Help us shine the […]

Senior Spotlight: Aiden Jackson, Rockwall High School

Senior Spotlight: Aiden Jackson, Rockwall High School

Aiden Jackson is a four-year member of the Orange Wave Band. He plays trumpet in the Wind Ensemble and the Jazz Band. He is the Assistant Manager of Baskin Robbins. Aiden will be attending Oklahoma State University in the fall and majoring in Business. He will continue on with Band as a member of the […]

Senior Spotlight: Isabel Carrillo, Rockwall High School

Senior Spotlight: Isabel Carrillo, Rockwall High School

Isabel has attended Grace Hartman, Williams, and is currently a senior at Rockwall High School. She’s a member of the National Honor Society, a class officer, and a member of the student council. She’s also an active member in church.  She enjoys being a leader at The Shore on Wednesday nights and loves to be […]

Senior Spotlight: Annabelle Tessitore, Rockwall High School

Senior Spotlight: Annabelle Tessitore, Rockwall High School

Annabelle Tessitore is a senior at Rockwall High Shool. She is a member of the Stingerettes Drill Team and is their Communications Officer. Annabelle plans to attend Texas State University in the fall to pursue a degree in Criminal Justice. Submitted by Valerie Tessitore. Help us shine the spotlight on senior students who are missing […]

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